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Thursday, December 27, 2012

835 10282012Morning

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "A Perfect Heart" 2 Chronicles 25:1-2

2Ch 25:1  Amaziah was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem.
2Ch 25:2  And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a perfect heart.
(Perfect = H8003    שׁלם
shâlêm   shaw-lame'  From H7999; complete (literally or figuratively); especially friendly. (shalem used by mistake for a name.): - full, just, made ready, peaceable, perfect (-ed), quiet, Shalem [by mistake for a name], whole.)
It’s not uncommon to find someone who will do right. The unique quality that is found only in true believers is doing right with a perfect heart. To live right brings with it many side affects: admiration = when you do what is right you will thought of by others as being a good or holy man. but just doing good does not make you good in God’s sight (There is none good no not one) Mark 10:18  Self-righteous attitude = when our focus rests on our good deeds then we take the credit for our own goodness. Judgmental = we then measure goodness as compared to the deeds of those around us and therefore we judge them as not good who serve less than we do.

God points out something in Amaziah that only he could know. His life appeared to be right but his heart (which only God can see) was not right. A perfect heart means whole-heartedly, without any reservation, peaceably. There is a quietness in the heart of a true believer. When a true believer serves the Lord in deed you get the impression that it brings them great pleasure to do so (especially friendly).

Today, some are like Amaziah. Going through the motions and giving all they can but their heart. But all that God wants is your heart. You may or may not be able to spot these individuals by observation but rest well assured that not one slips by God for He looks not upon the outside but upon the heart of a man.

What about you? Are you holding something back from God but covering it up for appearances sake? 1st commandment is to Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Nothing held back. 2nd commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.
Are you serving God with a perfect heart? What would He say?

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