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Monday, January 9, 2012

717 01082012Morn

Hell is a place of torments (v23). Not just torment - for they are many… Remember the Great White Throne Judgment is to determine the amount or degree of torments for the unbeliever. ie.. his memory is intact (missed opportunities, life’s dainties - hence lack of water), he is aware of the beggar enjoying he pleasures or “good things”, he perceives that he should have been in Heaven (father) vv 24 27 30 because of his heritage (sense of need to warn his brethren), separation v26. Hell was not made for man but for the Devil and his fallen angels (Matt 25:41). Dad said that if you go to Hell – you will go as an intruder. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9).
The sermon from the Preacher from Hell is “Do Not come to this place!” In a word he says “Repent” (v30) The sermon from Heaven is “Hear the prophets!” He even raised one from the dead…(v 31)
At death the soul does not die nor sleep but is set free from the body to immediately enter into his eternal destiny. (v22)
The Preacher from Hell will never see any of his converts and he will be glad!!!!

716 01042012Wed

True spiritual birth is not found in the religiosity of the masses. The outward appearance of righteousness is so deceptive that even the Master of the harvest gave instructions to let the tares grow with the wheat for fear of the servants misidentifying wheat from tares until the harvest was come, in Jesus’ parable of the tares (Mt 13). Real spiritual identity is found only in genuine faith. This Gentile Roman Officer demonstrates his absolute trust in the power of God, the love of God and the promise of God.
Power – v9 Having authority to just speak the word and it will be done.
Love -  v6 My servant is greviously tormented. (for a slave not royalty)
Promise – v13 Go and as you have believed be it unto you. (he went home to find that his servant was healed)
From all nations (east & west) cultures and religions the church will be made up. Not by the self righteous that so often attend to our church services but out of the outcast and astray shall sit down in the kingdom. The obvious ones will too often not make it in because of the obstacle of their own righteousness based on their Birthright. 3 surprises in Heaven: 1. The one you least thought would ever make it will be there. 2. The one you thought was most likely to be there will not be there. 3. You suddenly realized that despite your own failures… you have truly made it.
Unwavering Trust in Jesus Christ is the only true Birthright.

715 01012012Eve

God desires for us to be growing in the gifts that He has delivered unto us.
It is unacceptable to just try to maintain.
We have life within us and that life must grow.
To just try to hold ground is condemned as wicked and slothful.
Have you planned for spiritual growth in 2012? Ask the Lord to grow you in 2012 and look for ways to invest yourself. Spiritual investors are rewarded with more.

714 01012012Morn

And they’re not Death and Taxes. Many have avoided some of their legal tax responsibility in one way or another. Some may get caught eventually but will get away with it. Although some people avert even death for a time, the truth is death is one of those things that are certain and I know that you already know that. What’s the other certain thing?
Heb 9:27  And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Judgment. Judgment before God the Great and Mighty Judge.
Who will have to stand? Everyone! Every man, woman, boy and girl who has ever lived or ever will live will stand before the Mighty Judge.
That’s the other Certain thing and now everyone here knows that too. But what you may not know is that not everyone will stand at the same judgment. For there is not just one general judgment but two separate and distinct judgments, one for the believer and one for the unbeliever. The Scripture refers to the believer’s judgment as “The Judgment Seat of Christ (JSOC)” (I Cor 3:12-15) and the unbeliever’s judgment as “The Great White Throne Judgment” (GWTJ).(Rev 20:11-15) At both of these judgments the subjects are all judged according to their works (I Cor 3:12 & Rev 20:12) So what’s the difference? Only believers (saved folk) will be at the JSOC and they will all still go to Heaven when it is all said and done and only unbelievers (unsaved folk) will be at the GWTJ and they will all be cast into Hell when it is all said and done at their judgment. The question is “How to get to the JSOC?” The 2nd certain thing is that you will have to stand at the judgment. Now let me help you choose which judgment that will be. Please note: there is no where in the Bible that tells of another judgment after death that determines where you will stand before God. So this choice is made while you are still living here on this earth. You choose the destiny of your 2nd appointment before you keep your first appointment!
Heb 9:28  So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Trust Christ today as Savior and reserve a place at the JSOC and a home in Heaven with Jesus and all the other believers or just do nothing at all and remain destined for the GWTJ and the Lake of Fire with Satan and all the other unbelievers.
Rev 20:15  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
If you will come today I will help you make your reservation for Heaven.

713 12282011Wed

Uzziah did what was right in God’s sight v 4
Uzziah sought after the Lord (prayed and followed God’s will not his) v5 and as long as he did this God prospered him.
God gave him victories, spread his name abroad, built towers (strong defensively), digged wells, much cattle, vinedressers (economically), huge army (offensively 2600 captains, 307,500 warriors), many weapons and modern technology.
He was helped by God to be strong v 15
Notice his heart was lifted up to destruction (his destruction [pride caused him to transgress God])
Where did it start? At one time he did what was right in God’s sight and sought after God (prayed and followed God’s plan) but now he doesn’t need God, God’s law or God’s men or prayer or anyone else… He is King Uzziah!!
God strikes him with leprosy. He is separated from the house of God and his own palace, family and friends for the rest of his life and when his life is finished he is separated form the King’s burial sepulcures because he was a leper.
It’s not how you start it’s how you finish that counts.