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Monday, January 9, 2012

716 01042012Wed

True spiritual birth is not found in the religiosity of the masses. The outward appearance of righteousness is so deceptive that even the Master of the harvest gave instructions to let the tares grow with the wheat for fear of the servants misidentifying wheat from tares until the harvest was come, in Jesus’ parable of the tares (Mt 13). Real spiritual identity is found only in genuine faith. This Gentile Roman Officer demonstrates his absolute trust in the power of God, the love of God and the promise of God.
Power – v9 Having authority to just speak the word and it will be done.
Love -  v6 My servant is greviously tormented. (for a slave not royalty)
Promise – v13 Go and as you have believed be it unto you. (he went home to find that his servant was healed)
From all nations (east & west) cultures and religions the church will be made up. Not by the self righteous that so often attend to our church services but out of the outcast and astray shall sit down in the kingdom. The obvious ones will too often not make it in because of the obstacle of their own righteousness based on their Birthright. 3 surprises in Heaven: 1. The one you least thought would ever make it will be there. 2. The one you thought was most likely to be there will not be there. 3. You suddenly realized that despite your own failures… you have truly made it.
Unwavering Trust in Jesus Christ is the only true Birthright.

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