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Monday, January 9, 2012

717 01082012Morn

Hell is a place of torments (v23). Not just torment - for they are many… Remember the Great White Throne Judgment is to determine the amount or degree of torments for the unbeliever. ie.. his memory is intact (missed opportunities, life’s dainties - hence lack of water), he is aware of the beggar enjoying he pleasures or “good things”, he perceives that he should have been in Heaven (father) vv 24 27 30 because of his heritage (sense of need to warn his brethren), separation v26. Hell was not made for man but for the Devil and his fallen angels (Matt 25:41). Dad said that if you go to Hell – you will go as an intruder. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9).
The sermon from the Preacher from Hell is “Do Not come to this place!” In a word he says “Repent” (v30) The sermon from Heaven is “Hear the prophets!” He even raised one from the dead…(v 31)
At death the soul does not die nor sleep but is set free from the body to immediately enter into his eternal destiny. (v22)
The Preacher from Hell will never see any of his converts and he will be glad!!!!

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