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Thursday, August 18, 2011

668 08172011Wed

Pastor Richard “Buddy” Wimberly “Jesus Marveled” Matthew 8:5-13
  • Jesus is willing to come, no matter what we've done or who we are.
  • Jesus marveled at the Centurion and the way the Centurion had replied “speak the word.”
  • The Centurion's servant was healed according to the Centurion's faith.
  • Anything we ask in faith believing, we can have. We must place our faith in Him and believe what He says what He'll do, He'll do.
  • The Centurion's faith was demonstrated by Him doing what Jesus told him to do.
  • The Centurion went directly to the Master, not through other sources. We should be like the Centurion.
  • Marveled means to be astonished or amazed.
  • The Centurion knew of the authority of Jesus.
  • The Centurion was humble. He came beseeching of Jesus.
  • He was also self-abasing. He said he was not worthy that Jesus should come into his house. He didn't boast himself up. He came humbly and heart-broken before the Master.
  • Jesus immediately respond to the Centurion's faith.
  • The Centurion believed that Jesus could do it anywhere and anytime.
  • The Centurion believed that Jesus would do what he asked Jesus to do.
  • With the faith displayed there was only one thing Jesus could do.

Monday, August 15, 2011

667 08142011Eve

  • We have not only the Spirit of the living God in us, we also have the fleshly spirit in us.
  • After we came to know Christ, we were able to have a choice.
  • We can't be both Godly and do what I want at the same time.
  • We're not the judge of what's right or wrong, the Spirit is.
  • The source is what makes a thing unclean.
  • There are two sets of manifestation that become known in our lives. We can't always tell if the water's pure from just looking at, yet we can tell the difference between wrath and love, adultery and joy and peace.
  • We have to decide if we want to do what we want to do or what God has called us to do.
  • God knows and you know when you sin.
  • We can tell if our actions are of God or ourselves because of the outcome it brings. If it brings forth love, joy, peace...then it's of God.
  • You can choose to go on with your misery or you can choose to say “I'm not going to let the works of the flesh manifest in my life.”
  • We have to identify what are our own wants, and what is of God.
  • You can pray about it all the time but without application, it's pointless.
  • Like the prodigal son, we will have no fellowship with God if we stay in the pigpen.  

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  • The Belt of Truth—Honesty and integrity before God.
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness—doing the right thing because we now have the righteousness of Christ.
  • Shoes of the Gospel of Peace—Right walking, right lifestyle.
  • The Shield of Faith—God is our shield.
  • The helmet of Salvation—knowing that He is our salvation. Walking every single day with Him being our hope and our stay.
  • And finally the Sword of the Spirit—the word of God.
  • The sword is the Spirit's sword, not ours.
  • The word—sayings of God.
  • The sword of the Spirit, it's the things God has to say.
  • The sword is not in the hand of the soldier.
  • The sword is not directed to the enemy, but to us. The word of God is directed into us; it's sharper than any two-edged sword.
  • The Sword of the Spirit purges from us the things we try to hide, the things we get convicted of.
  • God brings together our unholiness and Christ's righteousness.
  • God knows when we're hiding something.
  • When Christ was tempted in the Wilderness, He used the Word to fight against the Devil; however, it was a reassurance to Him whether than an attack on the Devil.
  • The Sword of the Spirit does the work in us.
  • We have to overcome the desires of the flesh where we won't succumb to the Devil.
  • Our greatest enemy is not Satan, but our own flesh. The greatest struggle we have to face is saying no to our own lustful flesh.
  • The Spirit of God will use the Word of God to mold the man of God into His image.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

665 08072011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Because of Love" Romans 5:14, 1 Timothy 2:13-14, 1 Corinthians 11:8-9, Genesis 2:21-24, Genesis 3:6, Acts 2:27

  • Adam was a foreshadowing of Christ (Romans 5:14)
  • Adam was a representative of Humankind becasue of Adam's sin, we all became sinners.
  • 1 Tim 2:14, Eve was a type of the church. Eve was in the transgression--Adam bore her sin.
  • Eve was created as a companion for Adam
  • Jesus came to Earth because of our sin; He did this because of love. 
  • The church came from the side of Christ, just as a Eve came from the side of Adam.
  • Eve probably had no intention to eat of the fruit; then she saw that the fruit was pleasant on the eyes (lust of the eyes), saw it was good for food (lust of the flesh), and she partook of it (pride of life). 
  • Eve was deceived by Satan--Think God was lying to her and keeping her from something good. 
  • We have to trust that God has our best in mind. We have to trust Him even when we don't understand. 
  • Eve fell into temptation--Adam's eyes were wide open. Adam's fall may have actually have been a lover's leap. 
  • Just like Eve needed a savior, we (the church) need a savior. Christ became our savior. Just like Christ, Adam took on Eve's sin. All this was done out of love.
  • Christ took our sins, and our penalty, just as Adam took Eve's sin. (Gen 3:12)
  • Sin is not forgiven--it has to be paid for by the shedding of blood. Sinners are forgiven.
  • God loves us even when we feel like He's forsaken us. He hasn't left us, He still loves us. God will deliver us from the fire.

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "What You Think, Matters" Ephesians 6:17

  • The helmet of Salvation--know that you are saved.
  • What is Salvation? Salvation is not an event, it's a relationship with Christ. We can't have a relationship with Christ until His blood covers our sins.
  • We were bough with a price.
  • You have to KNOW which side your on.
  • We need to change our mindset that we are a child of God.
  • The battle starts in our minds.
  • Our relationship with Christ needs to be exclusive. We can't flirt with sin and expect to have a relationship on fire for God.
  • The enemy will plant thoughts into our minds that will destroy us.
  • Salvation in 3 parts.
  • 1. Position: You were saved from the penalty of sin.
  • 2. Practice: Being saved from the power of sin.
  • 3. Perfection: Being saved from the presence of sin.
  • We have to be careful about what we let into our homes and what we let into our minds.
  • If God says something is sin, it's sin.
  • Once we are saved, we need to transform our minds to focus on Christ. We need to change the way we think.
  • Once we become a child of God, we need to be of a seperate people. There needs to be a difference in us and the rest of the world.

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  • Distractions can take away from our relationship with Christ
  • Our lives are hidden with Christ, and Christ is seated on the right hand of the Father.
  • We shouldn't worry about things of this world; we need to see first the kingdom of God.
  • The concern of our life should be on heavenly things.
  • We need to cast our cares on the one who cares and can do something about it.
  • What matters are heavenly things. Spiritual things need to be a priority.
  • We have new life because Christ has risen.
  • Our sin was placed in the tomb with Christ. When Christ was resurrected, we were also resurrected.
  • In God's sight we are seen with the righteousness of Christ.
  • We're just here temporarily. We shouldn't make mountains out of mole hills.
  • Our righteousness isn't in who we are, but in the fact that we're with Him.
  • The things of this life will drag you down.
  • If you think of things above, the temporary things of this world will lose their priority.
  • Our sins were crucifed with Christ. We've already been judged, convicted, and sentenced. Christ took our penalty.
  • We share in His life because we partook of His suffering.
  • It's all about Jesus. Jesus offered it to us freely so His life becomes ours.
  • We can't hold on to both carnal and spiritual things.