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Monday, August 15, 2011

667 08142011Eve

  • We have not only the Spirit of the living God in us, we also have the fleshly spirit in us.
  • After we came to know Christ, we were able to have a choice.
  • We can't be both Godly and do what I want at the same time.
  • We're not the judge of what's right or wrong, the Spirit is.
  • The source is what makes a thing unclean.
  • There are two sets of manifestation that become known in our lives. We can't always tell if the water's pure from just looking at, yet we can tell the difference between wrath and love, adultery and joy and peace.
  • We have to decide if we want to do what we want to do or what God has called us to do.
  • God knows and you know when you sin.
  • We can tell if our actions are of God or ourselves because of the outcome it brings. If it brings forth love, joy, peace...then it's of God.
  • You can choose to go on with your misery or you can choose to say “I'm not going to let the works of the flesh manifest in my life.”
  • We have to identify what are our own wants, and what is of God.
  • You can pray about it all the time but without application, it's pointless.
  • Like the prodigal son, we will have no fellowship with God if we stay in the pigpen.  

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