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Monday, August 15, 2011

666 08142011Morn

  • The Belt of Truth—Honesty and integrity before God.
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness—doing the right thing because we now have the righteousness of Christ.
  • Shoes of the Gospel of Peace—Right walking, right lifestyle.
  • The Shield of Faith—God is our shield.
  • The helmet of Salvation—knowing that He is our salvation. Walking every single day with Him being our hope and our stay.
  • And finally the Sword of the Spirit—the word of God.
  • The sword is the Spirit's sword, not ours.
  • The word—sayings of God.
  • The sword of the Spirit, it's the things God has to say.
  • The sword is not in the hand of the soldier.
  • The sword is not directed to the enemy, but to us. The word of God is directed into us; it's sharper than any two-edged sword.
  • The Sword of the Spirit purges from us the things we try to hide, the things we get convicted of.
  • God brings together our unholiness and Christ's righteousness.
  • God knows when we're hiding something.
  • When Christ was tempted in the Wilderness, He used the Word to fight against the Devil; however, it was a reassurance to Him whether than an attack on the Devil.
  • The Sword of the Spirit does the work in us.
  • We have to overcome the desires of the flesh where we won't succumb to the Devil.
  • Our greatest enemy is not Satan, but our own flesh. The greatest struggle we have to face is saying no to our own lustful flesh.
  • The Spirit of God will use the Word of God to mold the man of God into His image.  

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