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Thursday, August 18, 2011

668 08172011Wed

Pastor Richard “Buddy” Wimberly “Jesus Marveled” Matthew 8:5-13
  • Jesus is willing to come, no matter what we've done or who we are.
  • Jesus marveled at the Centurion and the way the Centurion had replied “speak the word.”
  • The Centurion's servant was healed according to the Centurion's faith.
  • Anything we ask in faith believing, we can have. We must place our faith in Him and believe what He says what He'll do, He'll do.
  • The Centurion's faith was demonstrated by Him doing what Jesus told him to do.
  • The Centurion went directly to the Master, not through other sources. We should be like the Centurion.
  • Marveled means to be astonished or amazed.
  • The Centurion knew of the authority of Jesus.
  • The Centurion was humble. He came beseeching of Jesus.
  • He was also self-abasing. He said he was not worthy that Jesus should come into his house. He didn't boast himself up. He came humbly and heart-broken before the Master.
  • Jesus immediately respond to the Centurion's faith.
  • The Centurion believed that Jesus could do it anywhere and anytime.
  • The Centurion believed that Jesus would do what he asked Jesus to do.
  • With the faith displayed there was only one thing Jesus could do.

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