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Sunday, July 31, 2011

662 07312011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Laughter" Genesis 17:15-21

  • Issac: Laughter
  • Issac was the seed of promise; although Ishmael was also promised a great nation, God's covenant was fulfilled with Issac.
  • Abraham had pleaded with God to give him a son.
  • God chooses who and He chooses the way he moves.
  • God wanted Abraham to yield himself to God, just like He wants us to.
  • Everything is in God's hands. We have to give Him complete control.
  • We have to have control in both the good and bad times.
  • God is the God of the impossible.
  • Both Sarah and Abraham were well past child-bearing years, yet God promised them a son.
  • He's always at work around us.
  • Issac is known as Abraham's only son.
  • Abraham's lineage can be traced all over the Middle East.
  • Ishmael was given the blessing/promise of many nations; Issac's promise was that God would be his God.
  • Issac got the blesser; Ishmael got the blessing.
  • Everytime Abraham or Sarah would call Issac by name they would be reminded of their laughter that God could do what He had promised.

661 07312011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Our Protector" Ephesians 6:14-16

  • In order to put on any other piece of the armor, the girdle of truth must be placed on; we must be truthful with God.
  • Then the breastplate must be applied. We constantly have to guard our hearts, but doing the right thing.
  • After the girdle and breastplate we have to have the shoes of peace -- walking in the right path.
  • The shield of faith is the first piece of armor which faces outside the individual.
  • The shield--God.
  • Our trust shouldn't be in the shield of faith, but instead it should be in the shield, the Lord.
  • This shield is our greatest shield. It's the lord of our faith.
  • We must put our trust in God.
  • Everything we do has to be done through trust/faith.
  • We have to have childlike faith and trust in Christ.
  • Salvation is just the beginning of our walk with Christ.
  • Just like a soldier in battle, we are in a battle, we have to have our shield to protect ourselves from the enemy. The enemy attempts to destroy our relationship with God. The darts the enemy fires can cause infection--an infection in our walk can cause spiritual turmoil; however, our shield-God-helps heal the wound, the hurt, to restore our walk with Him.
  • Faith is not just saying you have it. Faith is an action.
  • Faith is how God delivers His promises.
  • God is our shield. 
  • We have to put on the belt, breastplate, and shoes--and then above all, the shield.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

660 07242011Morn

  • We have to be honest with God first, then we have to put on the breastplate of righteousness, which allows us to walk in perfect applied righteousness, after that we must put on the shoes of the Gospel of Peace.
  • Our walk or lifestyle is a conversation for Jesus.
  • Turmoil cripples a person. Peace, on the other hand, permits the person to walk effectively.
  • Peace means to be “set at one.” Until you come to place that you have established your beliefs on one thing, you won't have peace.
  • Peace brings you back from a wishy-washy mind. It sets you at confidence. Peace will keep you from searching for something more.
  • The enemies traps are hidden, you can't always see them.
  • The Peace will keep you in marching stance. This peace brings confidence in our provider.
  • Your walk with Christ needs to secure, stable, and able to stand.
  • Christ is leading the way.
  • Peace comes through application of the Gospel, that Jesus Christ is faithful.
  • We need to have our focus on Christ. We don't have all the answers, but He does.
  • We have to have faith.
  • Our problems will come God's when we give it over to Him. Jesus told us to cast all of our cares on Him, for he cares for us.
  • The preparation of the gospel of peacesignifies a prepared and resolved frame of heart, to adhere to the gospel and abide by it, which will enable us to walk with a steady pace in the way of religion, notwithstanding the difficulties and dangers that may be in it.
  • Having Peace will allow you to move ahead with courage and confidence.

659 07202011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Thank You For Your Faithfulness" Philippians 1:3-7,27-30

  • The world needs more committed Christians.
  • The blessedness of ministry is based on the ones ministered to. The minister is elated when the ones they minister to are on fire for God. 
  • Paul was confident that the people at the church of Philippi had the real deal; he knew they weren't perfect, but knew God would continue the work until Christ comes again.
  • We're brought out of sin by Christ in us.
  • The church at Philippi and those of the church around Paul were with him through bondage and difficult roads.
  • Not everyone has the same calling in ministry. We're rewarded on our faithfulness.
  • All God requires is our faithfulness without recognition.
  • We shouldn't want what God hasn't given us.
  • If we're truthful and faith with Christ, we'll get the same reward as Christ.
  • You will have trials and tribulations.
  • We're to go through these trials and tribulations with our brothers and sisters in Christ together.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

658 07172011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Greatest Need of the Church" James 5:13-16

  • The Greatest need of the church in this day and age is prayer and the second greatest need is to praise him for those answered prayers. We need to pray and praise.
  • God already knows your need but he wants you to bring it to him.
  • There is a real great need in all our lives for prayer.
  • The greatest blessing of prayer is that we find fellowship with God and Blessings from God.
  • Prayer is the conduit to the Father for fellowship and for blessings (of which the greatest is fellowship). Through prayer we can hear the heartbeat of God and receive revelation about our own heart.
  • Through prayer the hearts desire of God for us is revealed.
  • Prayerful fellowship with God allows God to share his peace with us.
  • All power comes from God. Prayer is the key to opening the doors of Heaven.
  • It's during prayer that God often reveals to us areas of our life that need work.
  • Prayer can relieve afflictions (hardships), recover illnesses and restore relationships. The lack of prayer in the life of an individual can allow these very things to flourish.
  • This life is like a vapor. Eternity is forever.
  • Often we let the things of this world distract us and we shouldn't even consider them when compared to Heavenly things. 
  • Everyone has troubles. All the world is full of trouble. What makes the difference is where your focus is.
  • When we stop focusing on the problems and start focusing on God, the troubles will seem to roll away. You will overcome.
  • Through prayer we can find forgiveness of sins. Sins that may have held us captive may be confessed and we may be delivered from their affliction.
  • Fellowship with God is only restored through prayer.
  • If we confess our sins in prayer we can be delivered from them.
  • Whenever we sin, we separate ourselves from God, but when we pray and confess our sins before God in prayer, our relationship with others will become better.
  • Our God is bigger than any of our problems. Lack of prayer can cause the problems to seem better.
  • Believers who pray have a lot of pull with God. See verse Jas 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
  • Prayer can also cure illnesses. 
  • God, through prayer, can heal you.
  • Prayer can restore relationships.
  • Prayer provides forgiveness for sins. We can also ask a faithful brother and sister in Christ to pray for us in that area. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

657 07172011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "DTRT" Ephesians 6:13-14

  • We need to go before God with honesty, sincerity, and integrity first.
  • This life is only temporary.
  • We have to put on the belt of truth before we put on the rest of the armor. 
  • Everything else is dependent on your integrity and honesty before the Almighty God.
  • The breastplate of Righteousness guards the vital organs.
  • Righteousness means purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of heart and life to the divine law. Righteousness, as used in scripture, is nearly equivalent to holiness. 
  • Rectitude: in morality, rightness of principle or practice; uprightness of mind. 
  • Sin takes place with the omission of good things. 
  • Other people can't do the job the way God wants you to do it. 
  • When you slip away from the right thing, it's very easy to do the wrong thing.
  • Sin is eminent when we fail to do what's right. 
  • The problem is not what you're doing, but what you're not doing.
  • Christ has given us His righteousness, now we have to walk in that righteousness.


  • You can't go wrong when you do the right thing.
  • The breastplate guards your heart. It guards your heart from deceit in ones own heart.
  • David's sin began by him justifying not doing the right thing.
  • The heart is deceitful. Our hearts are desperately wicked, and we can't know it. We shouldn't do what our hearts or emotions tell us, but we should do what is right.
  • It's no the breastplate of not doing unrighteousness, it's the breastplate of righteousness--we have to take up the positive things. We need this to combat the forces of evil.

656 07132011Wed

  • What would you exchange for your relationship with Christ?
  • What would a man exchange for his soul?
  • People have exchanged their relationship with Christ for worldly things?
  • We have to be a separate people.
  • Christ paid a high price for our souls, for a fellowship with us, yet so many times Christians trade their fellowship for things of this world.
  • Our fellowship becomes broken when we sell out ourselves for things of the world. 
  • Our fellowship with Christ should be stronger than when we got saved. 
  • What you give in exchange for your fellowship with God?
  • We can't love the things of this world and have an intimate personal relationship with Christ. 
  • We need to put God back in the number one spot in our hearts and lives. We can't be complacent.
  • Selling out will come back to you; we'll have to answer for it.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

655 07102011Morn

After you've done all you've been commanded to do by God--stand. Stand on God's Word, promises, and armor.
We have to trust what God has promised.
The belt's purpose in warfare was to be able to attach the other pieces.
The belt of truth is set especially to you. The belt of truth has to deal with your honesty and sincerity in acknowledging God. It is where we have an honest heart before and Almighty God.
A relationship with Jesus has nothing to do with rules, religion or a relationship with the church. You have to have an open, honest and contrite heart before God.
God knows our hearts, but we have to open and surrender it to Him.
Without God we are nothing.
We have to humble ourselves before God--this is the belt of truth.
We can't hid our sins and have the belt of truth. We need to reveal them before the Heavenly Father.
We need God. We can't do anything without Him.
If we slip away from God, we will revert back to a life of sin.
All the other pieces of the armor are dependent on the belt of truth.
The belt of truth has to become one with us.
Confess our heart before God.
Speak the truth, then practice the truth.
The truth has to be part of our character.
We should stay away from the places where our weaknesses lie.
We need to holdfast the truth. This is a continuing process. We have to defend it! Once you've conquered sin, you have to stand against the enemy, don't let him have it back.
The armor of God is meant for every born again believer.
You can't fix your sin, unless you confess it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

654 07062011Wed

  • Paul didn't focus on the other named gods; instead he focused on the unknown god. He informed those of the "unknown god" as being the Almighty God.
  • You can't witness for Christ because you're not living the life of Christ.
  • The closer you are to Christ, the more you're going to want to talk about God. 
  • Paul goes to those of Athens with a spirit of love to tell them about God.
  • Powerful witness comes not when you talk religion, but when your life displays a witness for Christ. When you're walking for and with Christ, people will see it.
  • Our God is the God of the universe, He made everything, He is everywhere and He knows everything.
  • God can use anything to lead a person to Christ. People don't need religion, they just need to Jesus, we can't beat people of the head with a Bible.
  • God isn't just the God of one particular person; HE's the God over everyone and every nation.
  • Even before you came to Christ, God had His hands on you.
  • God has everything under control, even when you think everything is spiraling our of control.
  • If you seek God, you will find. God wants to be found.
  • God's intent is to reach every individual, so they can be saved. No one has gone too far. Jesus dies for ALL sins. There is NO ONE out of the scope of God's mercy and grace.
  • God is just a prayer away. It doesn't surprise God that we sin. In our sin is when God reaches out His hand in mercy and grace, we are not beyond His grace.
  • We are sinners saved by grace.
  • Anyone who calls out the name of the Lord, out of repentance and receives the sacrifice becomes God's child.
  • God will change the heart, it will reflect on the outside.
  • God is a righteous and upright God, He will do what's right. If you've heard the Truth of the Gospel, you have a responsibility to repent and when you become saved, you are to share the Gospel with others. 
  • We are responsible for living everything that comes into our hearts and demonstrate that which is in our heart.
  • We DO NOT have to worry--God has everything under control.

653 07032011Eve

  • God knew Adam was going to fall.
  • All of us deserve hell but God has mercy on us.
  • God's will was done on the cross, then the Spirit deals with the hearts of individulas.
  • God does know everything from beginning to end. He has a plan for you.
  • He's been there before you, He knows your struggles.
  • The plan isn't just after salvation, but the salvation itself.
  • God is omniscience, all-knowing, nothing never just occurred to God.
  • We've got to learn how to let go and let God. He's already made plans for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.)
  • God created a plan of salvation before the first sin was even committed.

654 07062011Wed

  • Paul didn't focus on the other named gods; instead he focused on the unknown god. He informed those of the "unknown god" as being the Almighty God.
  • You can't witness for Christ because you're not living the life of Christ.
  • The closer you are to Christ, the more you're going to want to talk about God. 
  • Paul goes to those of Athens with a spirit of love to tell them about God.
  • Powerful witness comes not when you talk religion, but when your life displays a witness for Christ. When you're walking for and with Christ, people will see it.
  • Our God is the God of the universe, He made everything, He is everywhere and He knows everything.
  • God can use anything to lead a person to Christ. People don't need religion, they just need to Jesus, we can't beat people of the head with a Bible.
  • God isn't just the God of one particular person; HE's the God over everyone and every nation.
  • Even before you came to Christ, God had His hands on you.
  • God has everything under control, even when you think everything is spiraling our of control.
  • If you seek God, you will find. God wants to be found.
  • God's intent is to reach every individual, so they can be saved. No one has gone too far. Jesus dies for ALL sins. There is NO ONE out of the scope of God's mercy and grace.
  • God is just a prayer away. It doesn't surprise God that we sin. In our sin is when God reaches out His hand in mercy and grace, we are not beyond His grace.
  • We are sinners saved by grace.
  • Anyone who calls out the name of the Lord, out of repentance and receives the sacrifice becomes God's child.
  • God will change the heart, it will reflect on the outside.
  • God is a righteous and upright God, He will do what's right. If you've heard the Truth of the Gospel, you have a responsibility to repent and when you become saved, you are to share the Gospel with others. 
  • We are responsible for living everything that comes into our hearts and demonstrate that which is in our heart.
  • We DO NOT have to worry--God has everything under control.

652 07032011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Be Strong" Ephesians 6:10-13

  • Our strength doesn't come through us, it comes from Christ.
  • We should be strong in the Lord.
  • We can do nothing without the Lord.
  • We become strong by putting on the whole armor of God.
  • When we become saved, our life is not our own. We will move into the Spirit which dwells inside us. Our identity is in the blood of Christ. 
  • Wiles-tricks
  • Satan is a liar, this is his known attribute. 
  • Our fight isn't against other humans, but against the spiritual realm.
  • The change will come when our hearts become changed.
  • The only way a life can change is when Jesus is implanted in the heart.
  • When we go on our strength, we'll fail; however, if we go on God's strength, we will remain true.
  • Real Christianity is not a half-hearted commitment--it's all or nothing. You have to have absolute surrender. You can't have complacency.
  • If we're going to be a warrior for Christ, we have to start training now.
  • After we put on the whole armor, our responsibility now is to trust God. 
  • When you've done all you can do, just stand and trust God.
  • Our confidence should be in Christ.

Friday, July 1, 2011

651 06292011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Surety of the Word of God" 2 Timothy 3:14-17 & 2 Peter 1:16-21

  • All scripture is inspired by God.
  • We have the best anchor for our faith.
  • Our principle will stand the test of time.
  • The Bible is God's holy word.
  • It's the rock of our faith, our guide to having a restored relationship with Christ.
  • The Word of God is our source of peace.
  • There is only one Holy Word of God. 
  • We need God's word daily.
  • The Word of God never changes.
The Bible is:
  • God’s inspired revelation of the origin and destiny of all things. Here heaven is opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword, and the Christian’s charter.
  • the power of God unto eternal salvation and the source of present help, for body, soul, and spirit (Roman.1:16; Jn. 15:7), Christ is its grand subject, man’s good its design, and the glory of God its end. It is a mine of wealth, the source of health, and a world of pleasure.
  • God’s will or testament to men in all ages, revealing the plan of God for man here and now, and in the next life. It will be opened at the judgment; and it will last forever. It involves the highest responsibility; will reward for the least to the greatest of labor; and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents.
  • the record of God’s dealings with man in the past, present and future. It contains His message of eternal salvation for all who believe in Christ, and eternal damnation for all who rebel against the gospel.
  • the most remarkable book ever made, as a literary composition. It is a divine library of 66 books, some of considerable size, and others no larger than a tract. These books include various forms of literature, history, biography, poetry, proverbial sayings, hymns, letters, directions for elaborate ritualistic worship, laws, parables, riddles, allegories, prophecy, and all other forms of human expression.
  • is the only book that reveals the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts binding, its histories true, and its decisions immutable. It contains light to direct, spiritual food to sustain, and comfort to cheer. Man should read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy; he should read it that it might fill his memory, rule his heart, and guide his feet in righteousness and true holiness. He should read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully, meditatively, searchingly, devotionally; and study it constantly, perseveringly, and industriously, through and through - until it becomes a part of his being, generation faith that will move mountains.