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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Greatest Need of the Church" James 5:13-16

  • The Greatest need of the church in this day and age is prayer and the second greatest need is to praise him for those answered prayers. We need to pray and praise.
  • God already knows your need but he wants you to bring it to him.
  • There is a real great need in all our lives for prayer.
  • The greatest blessing of prayer is that we find fellowship with God and Blessings from God.
  • Prayer is the conduit to the Father for fellowship and for blessings (of which the greatest is fellowship). Through prayer we can hear the heartbeat of God and receive revelation about our own heart.
  • Through prayer the hearts desire of God for us is revealed.
  • Prayerful fellowship with God allows God to share his peace with us.
  • All power comes from God. Prayer is the key to opening the doors of Heaven.
  • It's during prayer that God often reveals to us areas of our life that need work.
  • Prayer can relieve afflictions (hardships), recover illnesses and restore relationships. The lack of prayer in the life of an individual can allow these very things to flourish.
  • This life is like a vapor. Eternity is forever.
  • Often we let the things of this world distract us and we shouldn't even consider them when compared to Heavenly things. 
  • Everyone has troubles. All the world is full of trouble. What makes the difference is where your focus is.
  • When we stop focusing on the problems and start focusing on God, the troubles will seem to roll away. You will overcome.
  • Through prayer we can find forgiveness of sins. Sins that may have held us captive may be confessed and we may be delivered from their affliction.
  • Fellowship with God is only restored through prayer.
  • If we confess our sins in prayer we can be delivered from them.
  • Whenever we sin, we separate ourselves from God, but when we pray and confess our sins before God in prayer, our relationship with others will become better.
  • Our God is bigger than any of our problems. Lack of prayer can cause the problems to seem better.
  • Believers who pray have a lot of pull with God. See verse Jas 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
  • Prayer can also cure illnesses. 
  • God, through prayer, can heal you.
  • Prayer can restore relationships.
  • Prayer provides forgiveness for sins. We can also ask a faithful brother and sister in Christ to pray for us in that area. 

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