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Sunday, July 31, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Laughter" Genesis 17:15-21

  • Issac: Laughter
  • Issac was the seed of promise; although Ishmael was also promised a great nation, God's covenant was fulfilled with Issac.
  • Abraham had pleaded with God to give him a son.
  • God chooses who and He chooses the way he moves.
  • God wanted Abraham to yield himself to God, just like He wants us to.
  • Everything is in God's hands. We have to give Him complete control.
  • We have to have control in both the good and bad times.
  • God is the God of the impossible.
  • Both Sarah and Abraham were well past child-bearing years, yet God promised them a son.
  • He's always at work around us.
  • Issac is known as Abraham's only son.
  • Abraham's lineage can be traced all over the Middle East.
  • Ishmael was given the blessing/promise of many nations; Issac's promise was that God would be his God.
  • Issac got the blesser; Ishmael got the blessing.
  • Everytime Abraham or Sarah would call Issac by name they would be reminded of their laughter that God could do what He had promised.

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