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Thursday, July 7, 2011

654 07062011Wed

  • Paul didn't focus on the other named gods; instead he focused on the unknown god. He informed those of the "unknown god" as being the Almighty God.
  • You can't witness for Christ because you're not living the life of Christ.
  • The closer you are to Christ, the more you're going to want to talk about God. 
  • Paul goes to those of Athens with a spirit of love to tell them about God.
  • Powerful witness comes not when you talk religion, but when your life displays a witness for Christ. When you're walking for and with Christ, people will see it.
  • Our God is the God of the universe, He made everything, He is everywhere and He knows everything.
  • God can use anything to lead a person to Christ. People don't need religion, they just need to Jesus, we can't beat people of the head with a Bible.
  • God isn't just the God of one particular person; HE's the God over everyone and every nation.
  • Even before you came to Christ, God had His hands on you.
  • God has everything under control, even when you think everything is spiraling our of control.
  • If you seek God, you will find. God wants to be found.
  • God's intent is to reach every individual, so they can be saved. No one has gone too far. Jesus dies for ALL sins. There is NO ONE out of the scope of God's mercy and grace.
  • God is just a prayer away. It doesn't surprise God that we sin. In our sin is when God reaches out His hand in mercy and grace, we are not beyond His grace.
  • We are sinners saved by grace.
  • Anyone who calls out the name of the Lord, out of repentance and receives the sacrifice becomes God's child.
  • God will change the heart, it will reflect on the outside.
  • God is a righteous and upright God, He will do what's right. If you've heard the Truth of the Gospel, you have a responsibility to repent and when you become saved, you are to share the Gospel with others. 
  • We are responsible for living everything that comes into our hearts and demonstrate that which is in our heart.
  • We DO NOT have to worry--God has everything under control.

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