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Thursday, July 7, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Be Strong" Ephesians 6:10-13

  • Our strength doesn't come through us, it comes from Christ.
  • We should be strong in the Lord.
  • We can do nothing without the Lord.
  • We become strong by putting on the whole armor of God.
  • When we become saved, our life is not our own. We will move into the Spirit which dwells inside us. Our identity is in the blood of Christ. 
  • Wiles-tricks
  • Satan is a liar, this is his known attribute. 
  • Our fight isn't against other humans, but against the spiritual realm.
  • The change will come when our hearts become changed.
  • The only way a life can change is when Jesus is implanted in the heart.
  • When we go on our strength, we'll fail; however, if we go on God's strength, we will remain true.
  • Real Christianity is not a half-hearted commitment--it's all or nothing. You have to have absolute surrender. You can't have complacency.
  • If we're going to be a warrior for Christ, we have to start training now.
  • After we put on the whole armor, our responsibility now is to trust God. 
  • When you've done all you can do, just stand and trust God.
  • Our confidence should be in Christ.

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