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Sunday, July 24, 2011

659 07202011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Thank You For Your Faithfulness" Philippians 1:3-7,27-30

  • The world needs more committed Christians.
  • The blessedness of ministry is based on the ones ministered to. The minister is elated when the ones they minister to are on fire for God. 
  • Paul was confident that the people at the church of Philippi had the real deal; he knew they weren't perfect, but knew God would continue the work until Christ comes again.
  • We're brought out of sin by Christ in us.
  • The church at Philippi and those of the church around Paul were with him through bondage and difficult roads.
  • Not everyone has the same calling in ministry. We're rewarded on our faithfulness.
  • All God requires is our faithfulness without recognition.
  • We shouldn't want what God hasn't given us.
  • If we're truthful and faith with Christ, we'll get the same reward as Christ.
  • You will have trials and tribulations.
  • We're to go through these trials and tribulations with our brothers and sisters in Christ together.

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