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Sunday, May 13, 2012

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Why Men Hate Going To Church" 1John 4:19, John 15:13, John 13:34.

Is a book written by David Murrow and is getting rave reviews.
Murrow says that Church has become too effeminate and has striped the men of their masculinity. Soft terms like, “Having a relationship with Jesus Christ” (another man) is repulsive to a real man. Passive activities like praying and Bible reading is unmanly. Our worship songs are feminine. Grown men don’t cry. And the church has structured it’s opportunities for involvement around the women.
There is absolutely nothing effeminate about our Savior or about loving Him and building a personal intimate love relationship with Him. A man that cannot openly commit to a love relationship with Jesus may indeed be the “sissy.”
Some churches have resorted to such things as “Sportsmen Festivals” in order to attract the men back to the church. I read one place where men in the church where encouraged to settled their differences “like men” (fight). And encouraged not to attempt to bridle their anger. So what if these new adjustments do bring men back into the church? What have we accomplished? Are we commissioned by Christ to seek a greater attendance number at church services?
I’ll tell you what we have – we have a larger number of men coming to church and being lead to believe that they do not have to be changed, in fact they are encouraged to display their manly attributes in order to set the other men at ease.
My daddy used to say, “It takes a big man to be a Christian”. Try getting a bunch of men to stick a Bible under their arm and walk down the street. If you look around you’ll probably find out that you’re walking alone.
We are not trying to reform people or even to church the unchurched. The plain truth is that all men everywhere must be born again period. Men hate going to church because they don’t have a personal intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ. And just going to manly functions at a church without that relationship is just a false sense of eternal security.
1Jn 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.
Joh 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Joh 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

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