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Sunday, May 13, 2012

760 04182012Wednesday

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Duty Of Parents" Ephesians6:4.

Eph 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Nuture = educate = to have knowledge
Admonition = reverence = to have respect

And you fathers, Eph_6:4. Or, you parents, 1. “Do not provoke your children to wrath. Though God has given you power, you must not abuse that power, remembering that your children are, in a particular manner, pieces of yourselves, and therefore ought to be governed with great tenderness and love. Also, be aware that your children are only on loan to you for a season, they belong to God to be stewarded over by us for His Glory. Be not impatient with them, use no unreasonable severities and lay no rigid injunctions upon them. When you caution them, when you counsel them, when you reprove them, do it in such a manner as not to provoke them to wrath. In all such cases deal prudently and wisely with them, endeavouring to convince their judgments and to work upon their reason.” 2. “Bring them up well, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, in the discipline of proper and of compassionate correction, and in the knowledge of that duty which God requires of them and by which they may become better acquainted with him. Remembering that you too, have a Heavenly Father that disciplines over you. Give them a good education.” It is the great duty of parents to be careful in the education of their children: “Not only bring them up, as the primates do, taking care to provide for them; but bring them up in nurture and admonition, in such a manner as is suitable to their reasonable natures. Nay, not only bring them up as men, in nurture and admonition, but as Christians, in the admonition of the Lord. Let them have a religious education. Instruct them to fear sinning; and inform them of, and excite them to, the whole of their duty towards God.”

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