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Monday, May 14, 2012

761 04222012Morning

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "No More Sacrifice" Hebrews 10:26

Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

For centuries the Israelites looked to the sacrifices made every year for the pardon of their sins and yet we are told that not one sin was ever remitted by the blood of bulls and goats. So came the Lamb of God Jesus Christ to be offered once and for all and all of the sins of all mankind were taken away for all eternity.
The prophets and patriarchs of old preached repentance and foretold of God’s Lamb. They also gave instruction for the time until the Lamb of God should be manifested. You may reject the patriarchs and then hear the prophets. Or you may reject the prophets and then hear John the Baptist, Or you may reject John and hear Jesus’ teaching. You may even reject Jesus… But you cannot reject the invitation of the Holy Spirit of God for there is no more sacrifice. He is the last to come. His blood has purchased redemption. If you come to this knowledge and turn away from it, there is no remedy for you.
People don’t go to Hell because they are sinners, nor do they go for not receiving Christ as Savior, they go to Hell for rejection of the Lamb of God as revealed by the Holy Ghost. (Infants and small children, mentally incapable and those who have not heard). They sin willfully after their enlightenment; to whom shall they turn???

This is God’s plan… the wages of sin is death, the soul that sinneth shall surely die, sin must be paid for, only the holy blood of a perfect sacrifice would do, then all who would trust in God’s provision of redemption could receive a full pardon.

Are you trusting in God’s plan or are you still striving to make it on your own?

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