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Sunday, March 27, 2011

614 03272011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "One Hope One God One People" Ephesians 2:11

Religion divides people and nations.
Christ came to make us all one people through Him.
Having Christ is ALL that matters; however, so many times, Christians make people feel as though they are only good enough if they follow the rules.
Salvation is through nothing that we, ourselves, has done; it's through Christ.
Salvation can happen to anyone.
Being a separated person, does not mean separating us from sinners, it's from the lifestyle of sins.
If people are going to come to Christ, it's going to be through us showing Jesus to them.
Christ ate with sinners, it didn't mean he was condoning the sin. He was loving them, bringing them into the fold.
Our sins nailed Christ to the cross.
The church is not ours, it belongs to Christ. Everyone has the right to come to the church.
We are united by one God...there is only one way and God. It's not our ways, it's only through God's way.
We are not called to judge; we called to love and to be the example of Christ for others.
Only God can change a person, they cannot do it themselves. Christ does make a difference.
There is NO difference between us and everybody else. Christ came to die for EVERYONE. He wants to live in us, so we can set an example.
God brings everything together as He sees fit. We need to open our hearts and let God put us in the building.
There is only one God, and we are NOT Him.
The world needs to see Christ through us. He will make the way for us to reach souls; however, we have to step out the way and let Christ work through us, at His pace.

615 03272011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Keep Me From Evil" Ephesians 2:11

Jewish tradition says that Jabez was a famous doctor of the law and left
behind many disciples.
His prayer was threefold:
1. To Whom he prayed – The God of Israel
2. The nature of his prayer – A Vow
3. The specifics of his prayer –
A. That God would bless him indeed (this seems to be a sincere
desire for an intimate walk God – the greatest of all blessings,
indeed to fly in the face of his namesake)
B. That God would enlarge his coasts (a fulfillment of being a
greater influence on even more people not just material wealth)
C. That God’s hand would be with him (for guidance, direction,
protection and power)
D. That God would keep him from evil (make a way of escape 1Co

10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted
above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way
to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.) One of the greatest dangers is
to become a victim of success or blessings. If he received the rest and
failed in this he would have been Jabez (a man of sorrow)
The success of his prayer is that God granted his request.
You gotta put some feets on them prayers.
There is a responsibility to the believer
Where you go, who you hang with, what you watch or read, and so on…
Temptation + Opportunity = Disaster

Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. 

613 03232011Wed

  • “Pour out your heart before him.”
  • We should pour our hearts out in the Good times as well as the bad times.
  • “Jesus Wept”--John 11:35
  • Jesus was weeping because of the lack of faith those around him had.
  • James 5:16
  • Confessing our faults is similar to confessing our profession of faith.
  • Confessing our faults help to keep us accountable.
  • Our God is the God of the impossible.
  • Lack of faith could hinder God's work in you.

612 03202011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Temperance" 2 Peter 1:1-10

  • Temperance: Self-Control or moderation
  • When we become a Christian, we are more able to control ourselves.
  • Temperance is an act of keeping us in the boundaries. If you don't know where the boundaries are or don't draw the lines, you're going to keep crossing those lines.
  • Temperance is a work Christ works in us.
  • Our nature is of sin; we have to forsake our lusts and follow after Christ. 
  • We have to be separate from the world.
  • We need to be fruitful for the cause of Christ.
  • Church doesn't change anyone, it's the power of Christ that causes the change.
  • Your faith is going to have an influence on others either positively or negatively. 
  • When a person gets born again, the Holy Spirit gets placed inside you; however, sometimes we fail to open up the gifts. 
  • Galatians 5:22 & 23: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law."
  • When we get saved, we get all of the Fruits of the Spirit, we just have to let the Holy Spirit work.
  • We have the full power of God working in us.
  • We're going to make it through our difficult times because of Christ.
  • Faith like Paul's doesn't come over night; it comes over a lifetime of falling before God.
  • We need to get fueled up for Christ so that others can see the difference.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

611 03202011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Peace" John 14:26-27

  • Peace is not the absence of trouble, it's a positive influence; it's a power that will help you overcome troubles. 
  • Comforter: One who helps and walks aside us. 
  • Having a relationship with Christ gives you peace. 
  • If you have peace, you have confidence. If you have peace it builds up courage against fear. 
  • Fear chases us away. Peace can chase away fear. 
  • God will speak peace into your life; however, that does not mean there will not be trouble in your live. Stop looking at the circumstances and look at the God in the circumstance.
  • When Peter was walking on the water, he had faith and peace when Jesus said "Come forth," yet when he started noticing the storm around him, he started to become fearful. 
  • God wants to speak to us today to let us know that we can always trust Him. He is our God; HE wants to deliver us from our struggles. 
  • He went through the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; He was in the lion's den with Daniel, and He'll be there for you.
  • God's grace will get you through the good days and the bad days. He will see you on through all circumstances.

610 03162011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Earthen Vessels" Judges 7:19-20 II Corinthians 4:6-10

  • God will use people who other least expect.
  • If God tells you to do something and you don't do it, it's going to have the power over you.
  • Gideon gathers up 32,000 soldiers versus an army of approximately 135,000. God tells Gideon he has too many men. 
  • Fear cripples faith, which is why God told Gideon to send home the men who were afraid. 
  • Gideon's army moves to 10,000 men and then down to 300.
  • God works in the impossible. What man deems impossible, God says it's possible. 
  • 2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 8.We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9. Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; 10. Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
  • When we allow God to work in our lives during impossible situations, He gets the glory, not us.
  • When God's in it, it'll come out right. We just have to trust in the Power of God; we need to let Him reveal Himself through everything. 
  • We do have the option to say we are scared, but God doesn't get glory in that.
  • You can move forward in faith even when you're scared. 
  • There might be times when you are afraid, do it what God said to do anyway, even if you do it in secret.
  • In the midst of our fear, our faith can overcome. 
  • Rely on God's word, no matter what.
  • Fear should not override your faith. 
  • Do not operate in fear. You have to operate in faith!
  • The power of God is in us.
  • The light is hidden in us as long as these vessels of earth remain intact.
  • We are not destroyed or defeated when circumstances come our way. We are still children of God, if we have him in our hearts. We should be shouting during both the good and the bad times. 
  • The same God who raised Lazarus from the dead, the same God who allowed Peter to walk on water, is the same God who lives in us today.
  • When we are broken we are no longer seen but the glorious light that is within us becomes manifested to all the world and they are illuminated. Not by the vessels but by the light within the vessels.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

609 03132011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Press On To The Blessings" Philippians 3:7
  • Our wants and desires cannot share the #1 spot with Christ. He has to be our #1.
  • What we chase after is but waste compared to what we gain for Christ.
  • Christ takes our sins and in exchange gives us His coat of righteousness.
  • The real accomplishment is not that we end up perfect and complete, instead it is striving for that perfection.
  •  You have good days and bad days but, don't let them stop you. 
  • Look at Paul's life and how he kept pressing forward to achieve his goal.
  • Do not give up no matter how hard it seems. Christians are just humans who love Jesus.
  • Everybody is imperfect!
  • We need to forget the things in the past and surrender all to Christ.
  • There's alot of things that we hold in our "trophy" room.
  • YOU can not move on to the future if your holding on to the past! 
  • We cannot live the future based on the past.
  • It's all about the direction your moving in! 
  •  It doesn't matter what everybody thinks about you, it only matter's what God knows about your heart!
  • You don't know if you don't like it less you spiritually try it!  
  • What is important is having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Not all the trappings of "Religion" God sees our heart and only a relationship with Jesus Christ can change our heart.

608 03132011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "God's Way" Ephesians 2:6-10

Paul acknowledges in v 6 that there is been made a unity between the Jews
and the Gentiles regarding right standing before God through Christ
(raised us up together and made us sit together). (In heavenly places)
could be that sinners roll around in the dust or sin of this world while
believers find their life in things above.
V7 The believers of Jesus’ time both Jews and Gentiles are become
examples of the exceeding riches of his grace. The generation that
rejected and crucified the Son of God having found forgiveness and
redemption give hope that anyone might be saved.
V8 You are saved by Grace (receiving that which you do not deserve; God’s
unmerited favor) and it is through Faith. Even your faith is not yours Rom
12:3 according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. It
is the gift of God.
V9 unearned (not of works). Boasting is a state of the heart not just
language. Believers must be humbled in knowing that there is no
difference between them and sinners except the grace of God which
cannot be deserved. –Thank God for this…
V 10 He has made us according to His will (we are his workmanship) I
Cor 15:10 By the grace of God I am what I am. Saved by Grace through
Faith, predestined to good works (Christ in me) This is God’s way.
  • Paul acknowledges in verse 6 that there is a unity between the Jews and the Gentiles. Further into the chapter, Paul mentions that Jews and Gentiles were quickened together in Christ. 
  • It doesn't matter your background, Christ came so that we will be made one. 
  • The blood is the only difference between us and the common Joe on the street. 
  • One sacrifice = covering for ALL of humanity's sins.
  • Sometimes we think: "The actions of the ungodly is how we should respond to them." Reality: We should love them and try to bring them into the fold of Christ.
  • When Christ saves us, He gives us power to rise above the sin; we have to rise above it. 
  • Grace is not a license to sin, it empowers us not to sin. 
  • Grace is receiving that which you do not deserve. Through grace we are saved, faith is the vehicle by which we receive grace. 
  • The faith we use to become faith comes from God: Romans 12:3: ...according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
  • Salvation is 100% of the Lord, not part us and part God, but ALL God.
  • God pursues us. There is NONE that seeks after God. 
  • No one is higher than another.
  • Grace is an unmerited or unearned gift of God; Christ earned it and gave it to us.
  • Boasting is a state of the heart. Many people wear their pride instead of humbleness. 
  • We should not forget where Christ has brought us from.
  • Often times, Christians make judgments on nonspiritual things; however, we should not judge at all. We should love, not judge.
  • We should remember that sinners are souls who need a savior. If not for the grace of God, we could be those sinners in need of a savior. 
  • We got rescued; we didn't do anything for us to boast.
  • We are God's workmanship.
  • Once we get saved, we become sanctified and justified. Justification makes it as though we have never sinned; sanctification gives us the ability to rise above sin. 
  • We are to be an example of Christ, a trophy for him. 
  • God is the one that is good, not us. For God to be good in our life, we must diminish our way and let God work. Our way will take us away from God. 
  • Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

607 03092011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Forgetfulness and Fruitfulness" Genesis 41:51-52 KJV
  • Manasseh = causing to forget
  • Ephraim = double fruit
  • Joseph held his integrity through everything he had to go through.
  • Through Joseph's trials and struggles, Joseph honored God. 
  • Through family betrayal(sold in slavery), sexual temptations(Potiphar’s wife), imprisonment(Potiphar’s prison), and broken promises (Pharaoh’s chief butler) God’s favor had been evident in Joseph’s life. Joseph’s faith in and faithfulness to God has been rewarded.
  • He went from the dungeon to the palace.
  • He is now the top in power in the Land of Egypt but for Pharoah
  • He is given an Egyptian name (nationalized)
  • He is given an Egyptian wife.
  • He is decorated with fine jewelry.
  • He wears Pharoah’s ring
  • He rides in the second chariot.
  • They cried before him “Bow the knee”
  • No one does anything without Joseph approval.
  • Pharoah refers the people to Joseph to meet their needs.
  • He begets two sons.
  • Life is good.
  • Joesph didn't forget the actions against him, he just forgot the pain.
  • Hs memories of past troubles are faded or forgotten and his vision of rulership and power are surpassed.
  • Life is good.
  • Hang in there. 
  • The afflictions of the saints promote their fruitfulness.
  • Remain faithful because God will make it worth the turmoil.
  • Through it all God will bring what He promises into fruition. 
  • God will bring it to pass.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

606 03062011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Bear Much Fruit" John 15:1-2

  • The husbandman is a term used to describe the person who takes care of a vineyard. Jesus is saying that God, his father, is His caretaker.
  • Every Christian must be purged in order to have a closer walk with God. Purging is for our good, never for our bad. We have to remember that we know what is best for us. 
  • By not being purged, it's counterproductive to the one bearing fruit and to the ones looking for fruit.
  • God is the one who purges us. 
  • Because we are in Christ, we are taken care of by God.
  • We must decrease, so He can increase. It is the vine which produces fruit, not the branches. 
  • We, Christians, cannot bear fruit if we're still holding on to things of this world. 
  • Sometimes when we feel the furtherest from God, is when we are actually closer to God.
  • When we become born again we are in Christ; therefore, God loves us the same way He loves His Son.
  • God has taken full responsibility of us when we become knotted up. It's not what we do that counts, it's what He does. 
  • It's not about us. It's about God.
  • When God takes away, it's so He can be glorified, not to hurt us. 
  • God will show Himself when you least expect in the trials. If God moves something out of our lives, it is so we can bear more fruit for Him.

605 03062011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Quickened" Ephesians 2:1-5

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

604 03022011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Peace" Colossians 3:15

Colossians 3:15

  • When we become born again, we're suppose to take off the deeds of the old man, and we're to put on the deeds of the new man. (Col 3:9 & 10)
  • We have endless mercies.
  • You cannot wear out the love and forgiveness in a believer.
  • WE, the Church, should be a haven of refuge and love for believers and unbelievers alike.
  • God's love is unconditional and we, Christians, should exhibit that same love to others.
  • God doesn't ask us to pay for our sins. Those are covered through the blood of His Son, Jesus.
  • We should forgive others in the same manner Christ forgave us.
  • We can display every mannerism of Christ, do all different types of works; however, if it's not bond together with love, it's in vain. We can do the smallest of task with love and it becomes great.
  • Our feelings, our actions and our circumstances doesn't make a difference in God's love for us. It doesn't change that we are Children of God.
  • There is no shame in stumbling and falling; it's in not getting back up. We all stumble and fall. DON'T STAY THERE!!!!
  • Sometimes what people need is to know that someone cares.
  • Do what you can do, but do it with love.
  • Love from a brother or sister in Christ can make more of a difference than one would imagine.
  • You are NOT alone. We are one body in Christ. You don't have to suffer alone.
  • Love is a choice, not an emotional decision.
  • We have to be acceptant of faults. We cannot condemn for the fault of others. Once we make the choice to love someone, we will be acceptant of a person's faults and be thankful for them.
  • It's up to God to choose where He places us.
  • Focus on the blessings, not the negative circumstances in our lives.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

603 02272011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Pursuer" Jonah 1:4

  • God's love was pursuing Jonah.
  • God sends storms into our lives not to hurt us, but to mold us and make us into the Christians we should become. 
  • We cannot run from God. He is omniscient, meaning everywhere.
  • God wanted Jonah's heart as well as his obedience.
  • God was not only trying to change Jonah's direction, but also his heart. That was God's main concern. 
  • Sometimes we become so hard-hearted that we become unconcerned with the negatives going on with our circumstances.
  • When those circumstances arise we should be praying, not sleeping. We should look to God for answers and comfort.
  • Jonah should have asked for forgiveness, instead of instructing the men on the boat to kill him. 
  • By saying: Throw me into the sea, he's instructing them to kill him. The guys in the boat, tried to row harder to prevent from killing Jonah. 
  • The guys in the ship are asking God, Jehovah, to forgive them for what they were about to do. Jonah never prayed during the ordeal.
  • Depressed people isolate themselves from everything and everyone. Jonah was in this state. 
  • Jonah confessed his sin on the boat; however, in chapter 2, he repents after 3 days in the belly of the fish.
  • Sin will take you further than you want to go, will keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay.
  • In chapter 3, it angered Jonah that Nineveh repented.
  • Jonah's attitude had changed. 
  • Once your God's, He is to be the commissioner of your path.
  • God didn't just let Jonah go, because of God's love for Jonah. WE MATTER TO GOD. 
  • God is the God of second chances. He grants us a second chance even though we DON'T deserve it. 
  • When we break fellowship, God wants to restore the fellowship He had with us. 
  • When Adam and Eve had fallen in the Garden, it was God who came down in the cool of the evening, not
  • Adam. Romans tells us that man doesn't seek God.
  • Correction is required because of love; if God didn't love us, He wouldn't correct us. 
  • We are the servant, He is the master. We must not forget that.

602 02272011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Our Redeemer" Ephesians 1:15-23

  • We need to exhort those who have trusted Christ to go on in their faith. The
      • work of spiritual maturing is carried out in a believer by the diminishing
      • of our will and the surrender to His will.
      • Then we go on to learn and know more of this one who purchased us and
      • promised to return. Will He??? See how the Father hath exalted Him and
      • gave to Him that He should be our head.
      • Faith in Christ ALWAYS produces love for ALL human beings.
    • When a person gets born again, something about the person changes to where they love.
    • Being born again is manifested by love for another.
    • Love will be the defining factor of a believer.
    • Our past is covered by the blood, no matter our background. It brings us together, is the uniting factor of believers.
    • The battle is not over when you get saved, it's the beginning of your journey.Christ has died for us and we will prevail.
    • Our works in the sight of God is as filthy rags.
    • People can't get spiritually mature without being born again.
    • We are really special to God.
    • God has already given Jesus the reward for the saints.

    601 02232011Wed

    Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "To Eat Or Not To Eat" I Corinthians 8