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Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "One Hope One God One People" Ephesians 2:11

Religion divides people and nations.
Christ came to make us all one people through Him.
Having Christ is ALL that matters; however, so many times, Christians make people feel as though they are only good enough if they follow the rules.
Salvation is through nothing that we, ourselves, has done; it's through Christ.
Salvation can happen to anyone.
Being a separated person, does not mean separating us from sinners, it's from the lifestyle of sins.
If people are going to come to Christ, it's going to be through us showing Jesus to them.
Christ ate with sinners, it didn't mean he was condoning the sin. He was loving them, bringing them into the fold.
Our sins nailed Christ to the cross.
The church is not ours, it belongs to Christ. Everyone has the right to come to the church.
We are united by one God...there is only one way and God. It's not our ways, it's only through God's way.
We are not called to judge; we called to love and to be the example of Christ for others.
Only God can change a person, they cannot do it themselves. Christ does make a difference.
There is NO difference between us and everybody else. Christ came to die for EVERYONE. He wants to live in us, so we can set an example.
God brings everything together as He sees fit. We need to open our hearts and let God put us in the building.
There is only one God, and we are NOT Him.
The world needs to see Christ through us. He will make the way for us to reach souls; however, we have to step out the way and let Christ work through us, at His pace.

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