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Sunday, March 13, 2011

609 03132011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Press On To The Blessings" Philippians 3:7
  • Our wants and desires cannot share the #1 spot with Christ. He has to be our #1.
  • What we chase after is but waste compared to what we gain for Christ.
  • Christ takes our sins and in exchange gives us His coat of righteousness.
  • The real accomplishment is not that we end up perfect and complete, instead it is striving for that perfection.
  •  You have good days and bad days but, don't let them stop you. 
  • Look at Paul's life and how he kept pressing forward to achieve his goal.
  • Do not give up no matter how hard it seems. Christians are just humans who love Jesus.
  • Everybody is imperfect!
  • We need to forget the things in the past and surrender all to Christ.
  • There's alot of things that we hold in our "trophy" room.
  • YOU can not move on to the future if your holding on to the past! 
  • We cannot live the future based on the past.
  • It's all about the direction your moving in! 
  •  It doesn't matter what everybody thinks about you, it only matter's what God knows about your heart!
  • You don't know if you don't like it less you spiritually try it!  
  • What is important is having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Not all the trappings of "Religion" God sees our heart and only a relationship with Jesus Christ can change our heart.

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