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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

607 03092011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Forgetfulness and Fruitfulness" Genesis 41:51-52 KJV
  • Manasseh = causing to forget
  • Ephraim = double fruit
  • Joseph held his integrity through everything he had to go through.
  • Through Joseph's trials and struggles, Joseph honored God. 
  • Through family betrayal(sold in slavery), sexual temptations(Potiphar’s wife), imprisonment(Potiphar’s prison), and broken promises (Pharaoh’s chief butler) God’s favor had been evident in Joseph’s life. Joseph’s faith in and faithfulness to God has been rewarded.
  • He went from the dungeon to the palace.
  • He is now the top in power in the Land of Egypt but for Pharoah
  • He is given an Egyptian name (nationalized)
  • He is given an Egyptian wife.
  • He is decorated with fine jewelry.
  • He wears Pharoah’s ring
  • He rides in the second chariot.
  • They cried before him “Bow the knee”
  • No one does anything without Joseph approval.
  • Pharoah refers the people to Joseph to meet their needs.
  • He begets two sons.
  • Life is good.
  • Joesph didn't forget the actions against him, he just forgot the pain.
  • Hs memories of past troubles are faded or forgotten and his vision of rulership and power are surpassed.
  • Life is good.
  • Hang in there. 
  • The afflictions of the saints promote their fruitfulness.
  • Remain faithful because God will make it worth the turmoil.
  • Through it all God will bring what He promises into fruition. 
  • God will bring it to pass.

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