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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Peace" Colossians 3:15

Colossians 3:15

  • When we become born again, we're suppose to take off the deeds of the old man, and we're to put on the deeds of the new man. (Col 3:9 & 10)
  • We have endless mercies.
  • You cannot wear out the love and forgiveness in a believer.
  • WE, the Church, should be a haven of refuge and love for believers and unbelievers alike.
  • God's love is unconditional and we, Christians, should exhibit that same love to others.
  • God doesn't ask us to pay for our sins. Those are covered through the blood of His Son, Jesus.
  • We should forgive others in the same manner Christ forgave us.
  • We can display every mannerism of Christ, do all different types of works; however, if it's not bond together with love, it's in vain. We can do the smallest of task with love and it becomes great.
  • Our feelings, our actions and our circumstances doesn't make a difference in God's love for us. It doesn't change that we are Children of God.
  • There is no shame in stumbling and falling; it's in not getting back up. We all stumble and fall. DON'T STAY THERE!!!!
  • Sometimes what people need is to know that someone cares.
  • Do what you can do, but do it with love.
  • Love from a brother or sister in Christ can make more of a difference than one would imagine.
  • You are NOT alone. We are one body in Christ. You don't have to suffer alone.
  • Love is a choice, not an emotional decision.
  • We have to be acceptant of faults. We cannot condemn for the fault of others. Once we make the choice to love someone, we will be acceptant of a person's faults and be thankful for them.
  • It's up to God to choose where He places us.
  • Focus on the blessings, not the negative circumstances in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! That was a great message! I love your notes here! Thanks for sharing with us.
