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Sunday, March 20, 2011

611 03202011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Peace" John 14:26-27

  • Peace is not the absence of trouble, it's a positive influence; it's a power that will help you overcome troubles. 
  • Comforter: One who helps and walks aside us. 
  • Having a relationship with Christ gives you peace. 
  • If you have peace, you have confidence. If you have peace it builds up courage against fear. 
  • Fear chases us away. Peace can chase away fear. 
  • God will speak peace into your life; however, that does not mean there will not be trouble in your live. Stop looking at the circumstances and look at the God in the circumstance.
  • When Peter was walking on the water, he had faith and peace when Jesus said "Come forth," yet when he started noticing the storm around him, he started to become fearful. 
  • God wants to speak to us today to let us know that we can always trust Him. He is our God; HE wants to deliver us from our struggles. 
  • He went through the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; He was in the lion's den with Daniel, and He'll be there for you.
  • God's grace will get you through the good days and the bad days. He will see you on through all circumstances.

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