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Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "God's Way" Ephesians 2:6-10

Paul acknowledges in v 6 that there is been made a unity between the Jews
and the Gentiles regarding right standing before God through Christ
(raised us up together and made us sit together). (In heavenly places)
could be that sinners roll around in the dust or sin of this world while
believers find their life in things above.
V7 The believers of Jesus’ time both Jews and Gentiles are become
examples of the exceeding riches of his grace. The generation that
rejected and crucified the Son of God having found forgiveness and
redemption give hope that anyone might be saved.
V8 You are saved by Grace (receiving that which you do not deserve; God’s
unmerited favor) and it is through Faith. Even your faith is not yours Rom
12:3 according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. It
is the gift of God.
V9 unearned (not of works). Boasting is a state of the heart not just
language. Believers must be humbled in knowing that there is no
difference between them and sinners except the grace of God which
cannot be deserved. –Thank God for this…
V 10 He has made us according to His will (we are his workmanship) I
Cor 15:10 By the grace of God I am what I am. Saved by Grace through
Faith, predestined to good works (Christ in me) This is God’s way.
  • Paul acknowledges in verse 6 that there is a unity between the Jews and the Gentiles. Further into the chapter, Paul mentions that Jews and Gentiles were quickened together in Christ. 
  • It doesn't matter your background, Christ came so that we will be made one. 
  • The blood is the only difference between us and the common Joe on the street. 
  • One sacrifice = covering for ALL of humanity's sins.
  • Sometimes we think: "The actions of the ungodly is how we should respond to them." Reality: We should love them and try to bring them into the fold of Christ.
  • When Christ saves us, He gives us power to rise above the sin; we have to rise above it. 
  • Grace is not a license to sin, it empowers us not to sin. 
  • Grace is receiving that which you do not deserve. Through grace we are saved, faith is the vehicle by which we receive grace. 
  • The faith we use to become faith comes from God: Romans 12:3: ...according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
  • Salvation is 100% of the Lord, not part us and part God, but ALL God.
  • God pursues us. There is NONE that seeks after God. 
  • No one is higher than another.
  • Grace is an unmerited or unearned gift of God; Christ earned it and gave it to us.
  • Boasting is a state of the heart. Many people wear their pride instead of humbleness. 
  • We should not forget where Christ has brought us from.
  • Often times, Christians make judgments on nonspiritual things; however, we should not judge at all. We should love, not judge.
  • We should remember that sinners are souls who need a savior. If not for the grace of God, we could be those sinners in need of a savior. 
  • We got rescued; we didn't do anything for us to boast.
  • We are God's workmanship.
  • Once we get saved, we become sanctified and justified. Justification makes it as though we have never sinned; sanctification gives us the ability to rise above sin. 
  • We are to be an example of Christ, a trophy for him. 
  • God is the one that is good, not us. For God to be good in our life, we must diminish our way and let God work. Our way will take us away from God. 
  • Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

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