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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Bear Much Fruit" John 15:1-2

  • The husbandman is a term used to describe the person who takes care of a vineyard. Jesus is saying that God, his father, is His caretaker.
  • Every Christian must be purged in order to have a closer walk with God. Purging is for our good, never for our bad. We have to remember that we know what is best for us. 
  • By not being purged, it's counterproductive to the one bearing fruit and to the ones looking for fruit.
  • God is the one who purges us. 
  • Because we are in Christ, we are taken care of by God.
  • We must decrease, so He can increase. It is the vine which produces fruit, not the branches. 
  • We, Christians, cannot bear fruit if we're still holding on to things of this world. 
  • Sometimes when we feel the furtherest from God, is when we are actually closer to God.
  • When we become born again we are in Christ; therefore, God loves us the same way He loves His Son.
  • God has taken full responsibility of us when we become knotted up. It's not what we do that counts, it's what He does. 
  • It's not about us. It's about God.
  • When God takes away, it's so He can be glorified, not to hurt us. 
  • God will show Himself when you least expect in the trials. If God moves something out of our lives, it is so we can bear more fruit for Him.

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