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Sunday, April 3, 2011

616 03302011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Raising Ebenezer" I Samuel 7:12

The Israelites were under Philistine rule. Through this rule false idols became part of the Israelites worship; they had started actually worshiping these false gods.

After 20 years, the Israelites started longing, "lamenting" for the presence of the Lord, God Jehovah. The Israelites were worshiping God; however, they still had gods like Baalim and Ashtaroth.

When people are desiring something for God, that is God
working around us.

It's not enough to just confess and repent of what's going on in your life, you need to take steps back to God. Go back to Calvary.

You're not getting what you need by sitting at home. We need the fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ to full get what we need.

When you start to turn your heart to God, that's when Satan will throw everything at you.

Samuel listened to their sins, judged their sins and then sacrificed a lamb as a sign of repentance for the sins.

The Israelites were not prepared for war, they were at Mizpeh to worship.

God simply promised He would deliver the Israelite; however, He also gave them more than He promised. He restored the Israelite territories as well as the faith of the Israelites.

If you want to be next to God, it's because God is wanting you to be closer. We are not good enough to seek after God...He is calling you for a work that He needs done.

When troubled times come, someone needs to step up and declare the Army of the Lord.

Ebenezer means stone of help. "The Lord has helped us." God delivered the people of Israel.

God delivered us. God fought for us.

God stirred a desire in the heart of the people to come back to God.

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