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Sunday, April 10, 2011

620 04102011Morn

  • For this cause--the mystery of God
  • Paul is speaking to the church from God to get rid of prejudices.
  • We all have our issues. Truth of the matter it takes us all. It's a good thing we are not all the same.
  • We're united by our faith in the blood of Christ, not by the fact we are the same religion.
  • The whole family of heaven and earth is one because of the Father. There is only one God. 
  • We should love each other because of the bond we have because of the blood of Christ.
  • We have to love each other despite the differences. 
  • At the foot of the Cross, the ground is level. Everyone is the same, no matter their background.
  • We need to stand for what's right, but we need to stop fighting against those who were also called by God. 
  • The only one who can change anyone is Christ, not us. We can't even change ourselves, why do we believe that we can change others?
  • God loves sinners. 
  • We should become familiar with the truth, so that we might be able to discern untruths from truth.
  • The love of Jesus excludes no one. 
  • We should show others the love of Jesus Christ. 
  • You won't be able to understand the love of God, but you will be able to experience it.
  • God is dependable. 
  • If we become confident in God's love for us, then we will be able to to reach out in love to others. 
  • His love should be our glue that bonds us together. 
  • The power of God dwells in us. Anything God can do, He can do through us. 
  • You're going to have to stand in front of God on your own.

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