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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Before the Father" Hebrews 4:12-16

  • Quick means alive.
  • The word of God can talk about the written word of God or the practical word of God, which is Jesus Christ.
  • The Bible is only a testimony of the one it represents, which is Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus is the all-knowing and righteous judge.
  • What we can't discern, Christ can. We can't discern someone's motivations and desires.
  • Nobody is excluded from God's vision. God sees through out walls. 
  • His word is our first contact with the Holy Trinity. We are drawn by the word. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word."
  • If you've ever met Christ, you can never leave the way you came. 
  • The name of Jesus separates.
  • Jesus is the light. 
  • Every individual is made known. When he sees you, there is no pretense. You can try to make excuses, but He knows the truth.
  • "...unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do." Everyone will have to stand before God; saints and sinners alike; however, sinners will have no advocate. Jesus Christ is our, Christians, advocates. 
  • When He was here, on earth, He represented God to us, yet with Him in Heaven, He represents us to God the Father. When we, Christians, stand before the father, He'll see the blood of the Lamb. 
  • He's in Heaven, sitting on the right hand of the father. 
  • You can be as good as you can be; however, you can't be good enough, because God requires perfection; this is something we cannot do on our own, but we have Jesus Christ, whose Robe of Righteousness cloaks us and makes us appear to be perfect in the sight of God.
  • The word "boldly" in this passage means to go often. We can go to the throne of grace often, because of the relationship we have with Jesus Christ. We should take full advantage of this relationship, so that we might receive mercy and grace in the time of need. 
  • We need to go often not just to reverse something bad we have done; instead, we should go often in order maintain that good relationship.
  • When God sees us, He sees the son of God. When He sees me, He doesn't see the wrong I've done; He sees His son. When He sees His son, He sees perfection.

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