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Sunday, April 17, 2011

623 04172011Eve

  • We need to show compassion and understanding to our brothers and sisters.
  • We need to be of one mind, that's mindset should be that we are in church to serve and worship God.
  • Satan seeks to get us quarreling with one another, so that we get our mind focus off of the things God wants us on.
  • Our Christian conduct should show love and compassion.
  • None of us are above slipping and falling.
  • If we're not all that God requires of us, we're not doing what God desires. 
  • If we don't address those things when they begin to arise then they will begin to fester.
  • Someone doing something bad to us, we shouldn't do it back to them. We should have a heart of forgiveness, that heart only comes from God. 
  • We are nothing but sinners saved by grace, we're not any better than anyone else.
  • When we see a need, we should help.
  • We need to have a love one for another. 
  • We should be willing to go up to our brothers and sisters and put an arm around them and show them love.
  • We are to treat others the way that Christ would treat them.
  • We didn't deserve Christ's mercy and grace; however, out of love he gave us both and brought us into the family of God.
  • We can't allow Satan to cause a rift. 
  • We are called to show love. 
  • God wants to use us.

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