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Saturday, April 23, 2011

624 04202011Wed

  • At the top of Christ's cross was written, "King of the Jews," in those days it was customary to write the accuser's crime above the cross. 
  • You can't see to believe. Those who come to Christ must come by faith, by seeing there is no measure of faith exercised. 
  • Jesus was dying for the sins of the whole world. 
  • There was a spiritual battle taking place on the hill of Golgotha that day. The battle for man's soul.
  • God gave His son for our sins. Jesus went out of love for us. Love held Christ on the cross. His love was demonstrated by God putting His son on the cross. If God had put himself on the cross it wouldn't have been as big of a sacrifice. 
  • God loves sinners; however, he despises sin. 
  • Light is in these earthen vessels, that's why when we go through trials we are broken and the light is shining through us.
  • Jesus presents us to the Father as holy, unblameable, and unreproveable. He presents us, Christians, as righteous. We are in right standing with God because of Jesus.
  • All of our sins were taken care of on the cross. 
  • Christ died one time for ALL the sins of the whole world.
  • Our sins hinder us from a relationship with God. Christ moved it out of the way. 
  • Salvation is of the Lord, 100%
  • Satan tried everything he could do to corrupt the plan of Salvation.
  • The cross was necessary so that our sin could be forgiven.

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