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Sunday, April 3, 2011

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  • Our God never does sit still. 
  • Any time a man will take the ridicule of others for standing up and doing what Christ has called Him to do, he will be blessed by God in that calling.
  • The body of Christ merged the Jews and the Gentiles into one body. The separation is no longer needed. 
  • The Gentiles felt like the sacrifice of Christ wasn't for them, because of the separation.
  • So many times in life, we're afraid to take part in the problems other people have, when in reality they're just like us; we are no better than them. We all have problems in our lives, everyone needs help, and we, in the church, can help them. The church, the body of Christ should open our arms for them.
  • Everyone is capable of committing horrible wickedness. All it takes is to start accepting some things and slowly falling away from Christ. It's not an overnight thing, it starts by compromising one time on what you know is wrong. 
  • ALL MEN ARE SINNERS! Christians are only sinners saved by grace. 
  • God chose Paul. God always chooses someone who will be willing to carry the Gospel.
  • We need to have compassion and sympathy towards sinners, especially when we reflect back on where God brought us from. 
  • This not all God has for us. God has called us. 
  • God uses us, we just have to let Him do His work.
  • We, as the church, need to stop being exclusive and start letting others in. If we are the body, we need to be His hands and feet. We need to welcome them into the fold. 
  • We shouldn't let the cost, the ridicule, or whatever the cost is to overwhelm us, because it is worth it. The ministry of the Gospel does not come without a cost.

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