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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

625 04242011Morn

  • Jesus was the first fruit of the resurrection. 
  • Resurrection: Transformation of the body.
  • This is meant to be a temporary dwelling place.
  • We have new life through Jesus' resurrection.
  • Jesus showed himself alive through infallible proofs.
  • The women doubted the prophecy.
  • All of the things which were prophesied was coming to pass even after Christ had died. 
  • The disciples were happy; however, they were cautiously optimistic. They had just seen Jesus brutalized and now He's alive. 
  • Jesus knew what they were going through, which is why he asked if they have any meat.
  • The book of Hebrews tell us that we cannot please God without faith. The righteous live my faith and not by sight. 
  • You can't see your way to faith.
  • There is plenty of evidence; however, you must come by faith not the evidence. The proof will not bring you to faith in Jesus Christ. You have to open your heart. 
  • The evidence is not suppose to give credibility to the Bible in order for you to believe it.
  • We don't need those proofs to know that Jesus is alive.
  • We must believe based on faith.
  • You can't come to faith by the evidence. 
  • We can't rest on the evidence. We must place our trust and faith in God. 
  • Everything in the Old Testament pointed to the Messiah, and everything the Old Testament said, he fulfilled it.
  • You have to trust. You don't need to know anything about the evidence if you know Him.
  • The only door that leads to Christ is faith; we can't not come to Christ by the evidence.

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