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Sunday, May 1, 2011

626 04272011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Christian Suffering" 1 Peter 4:12-16

  • Peter was writing to the church during the time of Nero.
  • His words weren't words of doom, they were words of encouragement.
  • Peter clearly defined what it means to be a Christian.
  • The fiery trial is singular. The fiery trial is just one trial.
  • The fiery trial is just standing up for the cause of Christ and those around you do not like it.
  • We should expect the fiery trial. If they persecuted and hate Christ they will much more hate and persecute you.
  • We should expect to come under fire for standing for the cause of Christ.
  • If we partake in the suffering of Christ, then when His glory is revealed we will be very glad.
  • Not only should we expect to suffer for the cause of Christ, we should also be happy for it.
  • Happy can also mean blessed.
  • Peter is warning us and also encouraging us. He is letting us know that we know Christ through sharing in his suffering.
  • The Spirit of God rests on us when we suffer for His name sake.
  • If you suffer because of your own wickedness, you suffer justly. Christian suffering, on the other hand, it's because we glorify Jesus Christ. It is brought about by your stance on Jesus Christ.
  • We shouldn't be ashamed to stand for the cause of Christ.
  • Even we mess up, we need to go back to the place of forgiveness. He will welcome us back with open arms. We should not dwell in our shame.
  • Expect the suffering and rejoice when it comes.
  • Pray that you will be found worthy to join with Christ in His suffering, so that you may rejoice when He glorified and have His Spirit dwelling on you.
  • The enemy cannot do anything that doesn't past through God's hand.

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