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Sunday, May 22, 2011

633 05152011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Works of the Devil" 1 John 3:1-9

  • Sin breaks God's law.
  • Justification happens instantaneous, sanctification is a process.
  • The works of the Devil is what causes sin in us.
  • Jesus was without sin but he bore our sins for us.
  • Jesus was mistreated for our sins, he was treated as though our sins were our sins.
  • Sinning didn't make us sinners, it's in us by birth. The nature of sin is in us.
  • When we get born again, we now have the ability to destroy the Works of the Devil.
  • We're able to do righteously because Christ, who lives in us, is righteous.
  • When we get born again we become the son of God.
  • When you get saved, you get changed. When you get changed, it's from the inside out. Our wants are not the same. If the Holy Ghost of God is in you, everything that is you based will dissipate. This change does not happen overnight. It is progressive.
  • When we get saved we change our perspective and allow God to have full control.
  • If God is in you, it will show.
  • The Holy Spirit is constantly working on us. If you are truly a believer, you will see the change in your life.
  • God doesn't care about your church attendance, whether you tithe, say another prayer, or pick up another Bible; however, He does care about your heart and those things that are fruit of the change.
  • If that's what you love and that's what you do, then that is who you are.
  • Christ was manifested in you to destroy the works of the Devil in you.
  • There is no difference between the murder and the preacher, if that's all they have, at judgement day.

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