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Monday, May 23, 2011

635 05222011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Difference in Us" Ephesians 4:17-32

  • The difference between us, on the inside, and those on the outside is the fact we have Christ in us.
  • Jesus is the truth. The only way to get the Truth is in Him.
  • He who has the Son has life. Life is in the Son of God.
  • Conversation: lifestyle. 
  • We have to put off the old lifestyle and live the life that Christ has for us. 
  • We're going to make it because God is faithful.
  • Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, when we do unholy things, we are taking Him into those unholy acts. 
  • God put the Holy Ghost in us, so that we will learn how to walk a holy life.
  • The Holy Ghost's purpose for living inside of us is to transform us. When we do the things of this world, we grieve Him.
  • God gets angry at sin.
  • If you've been made different, you need to start living different.
  • Grace is not the license to sin, it's the power not to.
  • When you get saved, you have to change, your playground, play things and playmates. 
  • Our greatest Christian witness to a lost world is how we live our lives.

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