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Saturday, May 7, 2011

628 05012011Eve

Jesus had just fed the 5,000. He was trying to get away from the crowd.
The crowd was looking for a sign.
Even if we're giving all the blessings we will still one day die.
Jesus was referring to himself as the passover lamb.
Jesus was the manna from heaven and the lamb sacrifice that God prepared.
Jesus was more than a religious leader, he was the eternal replacement for the passover lamb, which every Jew would partake of once a year.
Whoever ate of Jesus' bread and drank his blood would live forever spiritually.
The life is not in the blessings.
We should look at the blesser and not the blessing.
The relationship with Jesus Christ is not about the blessings.
The greatest need we have has nothing to do with our physical needs; however, a spiritual need, which is acquired by a relationship with Jesus Christ.
You can do everything that is upright and considered good; however, if you do not have a relationship with Christ, you're lost.
You cannot know Christ intellectually; you must accept Him by faith.
We can never understand God.
There has to be a change in your heart; you can't just have head knowledge.
Peter knew he couldn't walk on water; however, Jesus called Peter and as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, he was fine.
Christ is your life!
The goal of the Gospel is to prove your heart after God.
Jesus is all that you need!!
Peter admitted later on in this passage that Christ was the son of the living God and He had the words of life.
We should examine ourselves to figure out why you're following, if you're heart is right with God.
Our hearts are wicked, that's why we should examine our hearts.

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