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Sunday, May 29, 2011

639 05292011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Rock Solid" 1 Corinthians 15:58

  • Salvation is not about getting what you can have in this life. It's about the eternal life and the blessed hope that is to come.
  • There is a resurrection of the dead, because Christ is alive, we shall live.
  • This life is not our reward.
  • God is not oppose to giving us things, if it's in His will; however, you should not seek those things. Things will become your god.
  • You can't take anything with you when you leave here.
  • The things of this world are temporary.
  • Steadfast means to sit, unmovable, rest, establish oneself. 
  • Always abounding--ever increasing.
  • Our labor in the Lord is not in vain.
  • We have the victory over death itself, because of Christ.
  • The challenges which come into our lives are not there to hinder us, but to help us. 
  • We have victory in Christ Jesus. 
  • We need to rest on the promises. 
  • We're going to grow weary, but we need to stand on the promises. We need to remember this life isn't all it's about. 
  • Our focus does not need to be on the blessing, but on the blesser. Christ is our gift.
  • Our labor is not in vain, we need to hold on when we feel like we can't. We need to hold on when the going gets tough.
  • We don't walk by feelings, we walk by faith.
  • We should surrender to God and let God work through us.
  • Don't listen to Satan.
  • Keep holding on, there is a payday coming. 
  • Our faith is based on simply believing that what God said He will do.
  • The more we wear away the more He can work in our lives. 
  • You will come against test and trials, but never give up.

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