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Friday, June 3, 2011

640 06012011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Blessings Shall Come" Deuteronomy 28:2

  • The Lord blesses in the land where He places you.
  • We need to serve and worship God with joy in our hearts.
  • God put the Blessings first to show that God delights in blessing than in cursing.
  • God wants you to serve Him because you love Him not because of the fear.
  • The blessings are conditional on the basis that we hearken to the voice of the Lord, observe it, and then follow the voice of the Lord.
  • He doesn't bless you because you got born again; you are blessed on the obedience. He blesses obedience because of the fact that He will be glorified.
  • There are two paths; one where you choose to follow God or the one where you reject God's commandments. 
  • We have been bought with a price, so we are His. 
  • God provides the curse because He is a holy God. 
  • As God's child, we need to listen to Him.
  • Our energy should be focused on what God commands us to do.
  • If you are obedient, God will order the blessings to be on you; however, if you are disobedient, God will command the curse on you.
  • You can't wallow in sin and expect to call out to God and have Him bless you.
  • Holiness will become of the true follower.
  • We shouldn't try to bend God's word.
  • If you choose to be disobedient to God, you are in rejection of Him as your Lord. 
  • God doesn't want your sacrifice, He wants your obedience.
  • Blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience.
  • Since God saved you, He has put forth a choice. Are you going to obey or disobey Him? Because we are His children, He disciplines us.
  • Both the blessings and the correction will catch up to the individual.
  • God doesn't reject anybody, people reject God. God simply lets people make their own choices and fulfill their hearts desire. The consequences will chase you do. 
  • If have the right to choose which road to take; however, you can't choose the consequences of the road.
  • Everyday you have to make a conscious decision to choose who will be the Lord in our lives.

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