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Sunday, June 12, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Christ Liveth in Me" Galatians 2:15-21
  • Justification-Having right standing before God. I am a child of God. I am viewed as having no sin. Yet it is not based on MY righteousness. It is based on Christ. You have no other part to play but surrender ALL the rest is Christ. God actually sees Christ's Righteousness not ours. We are accepted as God's son.
  • Sanctification-Right living before God. Growing in spiritual maturity. Instead of positioning it has to do with practical application of how we live our life.There is one living in you who wants to live through you.
  • Glorification-Standing right before the Living God. Justification and Sanctification will reach full maturity in Glorification.
  • Salvation is only the beginning of our journey with God.
  • No man can be justified by religion. We are justified through Christ.
  • The believer is not guilty of sin in the sight of God. We have been saved; therefore, the judgment has been passed over because of the bloodshed at Calvary.
  • Religion is about rules, true Christianity is about the faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Salvation is by grace through faith, not by works.
  • You get saved by grace and live by the rules and regulation of religion. You can't give authority to the things which grace destroyed.
  • We cannot condemn others for their sins, even those who are Christians and slip and fall. We have to show those people the love of Jesus Christ. That love is the only way we will be able to reach others.
  • We should not condone sin; however, we need to love the sinner.
  • People cannot save themselves of the sin; we cannot save ourselves from the sin; it MUST be Christ!
  • The power of Christ is the only way.
  • The law of Moses demanded our death, it received our death when Christ died on the cross. On the cross was the sin debt for every man, woman and child born and would be born. When He died, our old man, our sins, died on the cross with Him.
  • With the cross, we received a new life. We live because Christ lives in us.
  • We have to die of our man and let Christ live in us.
  • The life we live now is Christ's in us.
  • We cannot do it, we have to let Christ do it in us.
  • We are accepted before God because Christ lives in us.
  • The Holy Spirit is in so that we can confirm to Christ.
  • Christ is the earnest of our inheritance.
  • You cannot mix law and grace.
  • The greatest desire of a Christ is so that we might be able to exalt Him.

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