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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

648 06192011Eve

  • The OT high priest had to go once a year to atone for sin; however, our High Priest had to go only once to pay for the sins of the entire world.
  • Our High Priest is Jesus Christ.
  • We have to hang on to our faith. We won't find anything better than Christ.
  • We are living in the age of Grace. We are forgiven by the righteousness of Christ.
  • "To Whom shall we go?" Standfast!
  • Christ was tempted like we are. That's how He can relate to sinners, because of this Christ knows what it's like.
  • Christ feels our infirmities because He's in us. He's there for us through the good and the bad times. He's there before us and will always be there. His word says He'll never leave us nor forsake us.
  • We often fail when going through the hard times; however, Jesus will pick us up and help us get right back on track.
  • There's a throne that everyone will have to stand before the authority of an Almighty God. Our throne, if we're saved, is a throne of Grace.
  • The OT priest had to find the perfect sacrifice, one without blemish inside and out. Priest also had to go through a ritual cleaning. Jesus became our perfect lamb.
  • We're coming before God with a perfect sacrifice because of the sacrifice at Calvary.
  • We can draw back the "curtain" boldly, confident. We go knowing that we are covered by the blood of Christ.
  • At the throne of Grace, we will not find condemnation, but we will find mercy.
  • We need grace daily. What we go through tomorrow, we might not have went through today.
  • We need His mercy to pay our sin debt. We need His grace to give us the attributes of our Savior.
  • We need to come before the throne of Grace daily.

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