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Sunday, June 12, 2011

644 06122011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Law of Relation" Ephesians 5:21-33
  • Submissiveness is the attitude that you prefer someone else above self.
  • Wives are suppose to submit themselves to their husbands, the way they would to Christ. We would surrender to Christ with all that we have, so wives should give their husbands their all within God's law; meaning if what the husbands is wanting the wife to do is breaking God's law then the wife doesn't have to do it.
  • In return the husband should love the wife the way Christ loved the church. Christ died for the church, He is our advocate.
  • Christ is the church's advocate. He loves us in the good times and the bad times. A husband should love his wife in the same manner.
  • We owe everything we are to Christ. Wives should have that attitude towards their husband.
  • If a wife is willing to submit herself to the husband, the husband must then be willing to surrender himself to her. Christ gave all, this should be an example of how the husband should love his wife.
  • Christ left the father, he didn't sever ties with the father, but he did leave the Father. Christ demonstrated His love for us by leaving the Father.
  • Men esteem your wife as yourself and ladies be in submission to your husbands. We love Christ because He first loved us. It’s about the attitude.
  • Both parties must be willing to serve.
  • You can't have a proper relationship with God if your relationship with your spouse is not right. In turn, you cannot have a proper relationship in the church if your relationship with your family isn't right.
  • We are a reflection of Christ. Everything we do should reflect our relationship with Him.

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