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Monday, June 27, 2011

649 06262011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Genuine at Heart" Ephesians 6:5-9
  • God awards us according to our obedience to Him.
  • Servants are people who have a master.
  • "With fear and trembling" not because we fear the master, but so that we might be able to represent Christ to our superiors.
  • Servants are suppose to love their bosses. You don't love them because of what they've done but because of the position.
  • Christ wants us to be like Him. We love so that we might be like Him.
  • There are no conditions under which we should be obedient to those in authority of us.
  • It is the will of God that we obey our master as a demonstration of the love of God.
  • We should have one heart and one mind, we need to reflect Christ to others.
  • The motivation should be love, not things of the world.
  • We are vessels for Christ and the goal of a believer should be that we will reflect Christ in our day to day walk.
  • God's love is a selfless love. Humans usually love with a selfish love.
  • We, if we're born again, bare the mark of Jesus.
  • God still loves us, no matter what we do.
  • The will of God is that our commitments will be carried out, that we will serve with out complaints, grudgingly or for vain glory.
  • Our life, anything we do with it, should be a living testimony and witness of the life of Christ. We are servants of God and our lives should reflect that. If we do because of monetary gain, we'll never be satisfied.
  • This genuine at heart service has not it’s origin in the heart of a human being but in the heart of a loving Heavenly Father. He’s so big that if He lives in you… He’ll stick out somewhere!!!

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