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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

646 06152011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Sin Not" 1 John 2:1-2

  • Propitiation is the atonement for sin.
  • We are saved by grace, it's by nothing that we give or that we can take away.
  • We are admonished not to sin; however, once we get saved, if we slip and fall, we have an advocate with the Father, through Christ.
  • The temptation to sin does not go away when we get saved; however, we should not act on those temptations.
  • We are born into sin; we sin because we are sinner, not because we sin. We are sinners because of our father, Adam; consequently, nothing we can do can give us our salvation, so therefore, Christ had to come. Christ obeyed the law perfectly, which is only to man to have done that. Christ died not for His sin, but for our own. He took on our guilt and gave us His righteousness.
  • He became our propitiation, at one ment with God (position).
  • Atonement is not only to pay for our sins, but it changed God's attitude towards us.
  • Our righteousness, our position, never changes. We cannot do anything to gain it, so we cannot do anything to lose it.
  • Christ's righteousness is what gains us the position we have with the father.
  • If we do sin, we have an advocate with the Father, who is Jesus Christ.
  • God doesn't throw us out of the family because of our shortcomings.
  • What does sin do to believers?
  • Sin in a believer causes a broken fellowship with God. It breaks fellowship with God because we chose to serve our own lust than to follow God's will. We chose to walk away from the fellowship.
  • Sin breaks your testimony. It's not easy to build a good testimony. It could take years of honest walking with God, but it takes just one time of a person slipping in front of them.
  • Sin can cause a broken home/family. For example, David and Bathsheba.
  • Sin can cause the loss of blessings and curses. The discipline of God will come down on a person. The penalty and cost of sin doesn't go away. God cannot just forgive the sin, but He forgives the sinner. Sinners are forgiven, not sin.
  • So how do we can from sinning?
  • Exodus 20:18-20: And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. 19.And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die. 20. And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.
  • The presence and fear of God is how we can keep from sinning. The closer we are to God, the less prone we are to yield to sin.
  • Salvation is about the relationship and fellowship we have with God. God wants to walk and talk with us.
  • Fellowship with God will keep you from sin.
  • You cannot serve two masters. Just as sin can pull a person away from God, God can pull a person away from sin.

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