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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

647 06192011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Honor Thy Father" Ephesians 6:1-4

  • The family is the building block of all that we do.
  • Society has spawned disobedient rebels, instead of respectful and obedient children.
  • The command is to have obedience, not because they're great parents, but because of the position they are given.
  • The parents have authority because God gave the parents the authority. Paul is talking to the children, not the parents.
  • It's not up to the children to say what's right, it's up to the children to obey.
  • If children do not obey under the parents, they will have problems in the rest of society.
  • The rebellion that children have to parents is a sign of not only disobedience to the parents, but also to God.
  • Children should obey the parents because it's the right thing to do.
  • Obedience comes before honor.
  • The goal should not be just to get children to obey, the goal is to have a relationship with your children. If the only goal you have is to get children to obey, you're missing the mark. You can't make your children honor you.
  • Obedience is the practical step, what we can do, that leads to a relationship with the Father and with the parents.
  • In love, discipline should lie in the lap of the dads.
  • It's not the job of the Sunday School and Children's Church teachers to spiritually raise the children. It's the duty of the father.
  • Fathers are suppose to direct the course of the children.
  • You can't teach honor and respect, you can teach obedience.
  • Obey--external
  • Honor--internal.
  • Honor has to deal with the heart; however, obedience is an external action.
  • The promise, v 3, is for quality and quantity of life.
  • There is a difference between what kids want and need. The kids need to learn reverence, respect and obedience to authority.
  • Parents, don't give up. You may not see the honor and relationship you would like right now; however, keep enforcing that obedience and then you'll see that honor and relationship.
  • Fathers are expected to love their children enough to discipline the children.
  • With great authority comes great responsibility. (v 4)
  • Dads, you don't have the right to claim the authority, if you're not willing to take the responsibility.
  • Dads, you should step up in love, lead and teach your children in love.
  • Fathers are not meant to control the children, but to teach the children.
  • Fathers should not abuse their authority as a father. The authority should not be the focus, the love should be focus, because of the love, fathers need exert the authority for disciplining children.
  • Fathers should not say no because they can, if they say no they should do it because it's not what's best for the child long term.
  • God has chosen to reveal himself to us in the role of a loving father.

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