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Sunday, May 29, 2011

637 05252011Wed

Associate Pastor Ray Swanson "That They May Know" Joshua 4:1-24

  • God works in our lives in a way that He wants people to be able to know what a mighty God we serve.
  • The trials and troubles are used to show us that we need God.
  • If everything ran smoothly, we would forget the mighty God we serve.
  • If we'll call upon God, He'll use us for great and mighty things.
  • There's nothing God allows in our lives that isn't for our good.
  • We should tell others what God has done for us.
  • The Church needs to lift God up.
  • We serve a God who loves us and desires a relationship with people. 
  • God's the same today, yesterday and forever. He never changes.

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