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Monday, May 9, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Teachers of Good Things" Titus 2:3-5

  • We should honor the position of the parent, whether they are good or bad parents.
  • The older women are to teach the younger women.
  • Women should become a woman of holiness. Holiness = after God
  • Not given to much wine--not giving into the lust of the flesh.
  • The honor is not earned, it's owed.
  • Herein is the principle revealed that the younger are to be taught by the elder. It is stressed that they must teach through example.
  • They will be teachers – but will it be of good or evil things, Godliness or ungodliness?
  • Examples of ungodliness are: false accusers (slander: Satan) and given to much wine (enslaved to her lust and passions)
  • Examples of Godliness: sober (sound mind), Love their husbands (affectionate as a wife), love their children (maternal or fond of their children; love being a mom), discreet (self-controlled), chaste (pure), keepers at home (domestically inclined, good housekeeper; love being a wife), good, obedient to their own husband (subordinate to your man).
  • The greatest calling you will ever have is to be a wife and a mom.
  • The toughest job you will ever have is to be a wife and a mom.
  • Anyone can earn a living but it takes someone special to nurture a life and build a home.
  • Who will teach our daughters????
  • What will you teach our daughters???
  • How will you teach our daughters???
  • What will the next generation of wives and moms look like? It’s up to you… Mom. They will learn from you. Teach them good things.
  • Surrender to Christ as Savior and Lord and start your ministry Today.
  • Holy women will beget Holy Women.

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