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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

625 04242011Morn

  • Jesus was the first fruit of the resurrection. 
  • Resurrection: Transformation of the body.
  • This is meant to be a temporary dwelling place.
  • We have new life through Jesus' resurrection.
  • Jesus showed himself alive through infallible proofs.
  • The women doubted the prophecy.
  • All of the things which were prophesied was coming to pass even after Christ had died. 
  • The disciples were happy; however, they were cautiously optimistic. They had just seen Jesus brutalized and now He's alive. 
  • Jesus knew what they were going through, which is why he asked if they have any meat.
  • The book of Hebrews tell us that we cannot please God without faith. The righteous live my faith and not by sight. 
  • You can't see your way to faith.
  • There is plenty of evidence; however, you must come by faith not the evidence. The proof will not bring you to faith in Jesus Christ. You have to open your heart. 
  • The evidence is not suppose to give credibility to the Bible in order for you to believe it.
  • We don't need those proofs to know that Jesus is alive.
  • We must believe based on faith.
  • You can't come to faith by the evidence. 
  • We can't rest on the evidence. We must place our trust and faith in God. 
  • Everything in the Old Testament pointed to the Messiah, and everything the Old Testament said, he fulfilled it.
  • You have to trust. You don't need to know anything about the evidence if you know Him.
  • The only door that leads to Christ is faith; we can't not come to Christ by the evidence.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

624 04202011Wed

  • At the top of Christ's cross was written, "King of the Jews," in those days it was customary to write the accuser's crime above the cross. 
  • You can't see to believe. Those who come to Christ must come by faith, by seeing there is no measure of faith exercised. 
  • Jesus was dying for the sins of the whole world. 
  • There was a spiritual battle taking place on the hill of Golgotha that day. The battle for man's soul.
  • God gave His son for our sins. Jesus went out of love for us. Love held Christ on the cross. His love was demonstrated by God putting His son on the cross. If God had put himself on the cross it wouldn't have been as big of a sacrifice. 
  • God loves sinners; however, he despises sin. 
  • Light is in these earthen vessels, that's why when we go through trials we are broken and the light is shining through us.
  • Jesus presents us to the Father as holy, unblameable, and unreproveable. He presents us, Christians, as righteous. We are in right standing with God because of Jesus.
  • All of our sins were taken care of on the cross. 
  • Christ died one time for ALL the sins of the whole world.
  • Our sins hinder us from a relationship with God. Christ moved it out of the way. 
  • Salvation is of the Lord, 100%
  • Satan tried everything he could do to corrupt the plan of Salvation.
  • The cross was necessary so that our sin could be forgiven.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

623 04172011Eve

  • We need to show compassion and understanding to our brothers and sisters.
  • We need to be of one mind, that's mindset should be that we are in church to serve and worship God.
  • Satan seeks to get us quarreling with one another, so that we get our mind focus off of the things God wants us on.
  • Our Christian conduct should show love and compassion.
  • None of us are above slipping and falling.
  • If we're not all that God requires of us, we're not doing what God desires. 
  • If we don't address those things when they begin to arise then they will begin to fester.
  • Someone doing something bad to us, we shouldn't do it back to them. We should have a heart of forgiveness, that heart only comes from God. 
  • We are nothing but sinners saved by grace, we're not any better than anyone else.
  • When we see a need, we should help.
  • We need to have a love one for another. 
  • We should be willing to go up to our brothers and sisters and put an arm around them and show them love.
  • We are to treat others the way that Christ would treat them.
  • We didn't deserve Christ's mercy and grace; however, out of love he gave us both and brought us into the family of God.
  • We can't allow Satan to cause a rift. 
  • We are called to show love. 
  • God wants to use us.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

622 04132011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Stand" Acts 24:14-15, Jude 1:3-4

  • In the chapter, Paul has been accused and arrested of causing disgrace to the Jews. 
  • There are some things you have to fight for, and there are some things it's better to not bother with it.
  • Paul had an accusation which would cost him his life brought up to him; however, he did talk about the scriptures. 
  • Paul held to the doctrine of the truth. 
  • We shouldn't argue about doctrine. 
  • The real meat comes down to the Gospel. 
  • The Gospel: The life, the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • When it comes to the gospel there should be no negotiation. 
  • The part of the Gospel of highest importance is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Jude 1:3Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhortyouthat ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
  • Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Stand up for what is right. (v 3)
  • Salvation comes from the recognition that Jesus is God's son, he died and his blood was shed, and he was in the grave for three days, and was resurrected from the grave.
  • Stand up for the gospel not for your beliefs. Everyone has their beliefs, but if it's not followed up by the Bible, it doesn't amount to anything.
  • Stand on the Word of God and tell them what the book says.
  • Jesus is the only one with the power of saving a soul. You can only stand on the doctrine of the Gospel.
  • The enemy seeks to devour us. Satan comes in suddenly, he'll come up with doctrine, and heresy. 
  • Focus on the Gospel, don't go off that path.
  • We are to stand on the Gospel of Christ, put on that armor of God. 
  • There is right and there is wrong. We need to fight for the right, but there is a right and wrong way to fight. The right way to fight is to bind with our brothers and sisters in Christ and stand on the word of God. 
  • The love of Christ is what makes us brothers and sisters.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

621 04102011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Fruits of Repentance" Luke 3:7-1

  • Your repentance will have to be evident in the life you live.
  • John the Baptist told the soldiers to be satisfied with what they have. 
  • Repentance bears fruit. It is necessary when you get saved that you demonstrate it, through new lifestyle rules.
  • When you get saved, you cannot keep living the way you are you.

Lay Minister Ray Swanson "Our Battle" 2 Corinthians 10:3

  • Our battle is not with each other. 
  • The weapons of our warfare to do not exist in this life.
  • There are times, even when we're children of God, we can be used by the Devil.
  • If we're not careful, we will buy into the lies of Satan. Our minds and hearts are the battleground. It'll destroy you, your joy, your peace and your ministry.
  • Satan comes in subtly. He can give you a half-truth and you'll believe that, then He can give you another one.
  • The Bible is the Truth. When the enemy tells you things that go against what the Word says, you better run.
  • We need to put on the whole armor of God so that we can stand in the battle. 
  • Satan begins by placing doubt in our hearts. 
  • If God's Word says it, you can take it to heart.
  • God's call is without repentance. 
  • If we listen to Satan's lies, he can leave scars; however, he does not have the victory. God will have the victory!
  • The enemy desires to destroy us. 
  • Philippians 4:8-9 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. 
  • You don't have peace because you're listening to the lies of Satan.
  • When we try to work things out ourselves, we make a mess of things.

620 04102011Morn

  • For this cause--the mystery of God
  • Paul is speaking to the church from God to get rid of prejudices.
  • We all have our issues. Truth of the matter it takes us all. It's a good thing we are not all the same.
  • We're united by our faith in the blood of Christ, not by the fact we are the same religion.
  • The whole family of heaven and earth is one because of the Father. There is only one God. 
  • We should love each other because of the bond we have because of the blood of Christ.
  • We have to love each other despite the differences. 
  • At the foot of the Cross, the ground is level. Everyone is the same, no matter their background.
  • We need to stand for what's right, but we need to stop fighting against those who were also called by God. 
  • The only one who can change anyone is Christ, not us. We can't even change ourselves, why do we believe that we can change others?
  • God loves sinners. 
  • We should become familiar with the truth, so that we might be able to discern untruths from truth.
  • The love of Jesus excludes no one. 
  • We should show others the love of Jesus Christ. 
  • You won't be able to understand the love of God, but you will be able to experience it.
  • God is dependable. 
  • If we become confident in God's love for us, then we will be able to to reach out in love to others. 
  • His love should be our glue that bonds us together. 
  • The power of God dwells in us. Anything God can do, He can do through us. 
  • You're going to have to stand in front of God on your own.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

619 04062011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Before the Father" Hebrews 4:12-16

  • Quick means alive.
  • The word of God can talk about the written word of God or the practical word of God, which is Jesus Christ.
  • The Bible is only a testimony of the one it represents, which is Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus is the all-knowing and righteous judge.
  • What we can't discern, Christ can. We can't discern someone's motivations and desires.
  • Nobody is excluded from God's vision. God sees through out walls. 
  • His word is our first contact with the Holy Trinity. We are drawn by the word. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word."
  • If you've ever met Christ, you can never leave the way you came. 
  • The name of Jesus separates.
  • Jesus is the light. 
  • Every individual is made known. When he sees you, there is no pretense. You can try to make excuses, but He knows the truth.
  • "...unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do." Everyone will have to stand before God; saints and sinners alike; however, sinners will have no advocate. Jesus Christ is our, Christians, advocates. 
  • When He was here, on earth, He represented God to us, yet with Him in Heaven, He represents us to God the Father. When we, Christians, stand before the father, He'll see the blood of the Lamb. 
  • He's in Heaven, sitting on the right hand of the father. 
  • You can be as good as you can be; however, you can't be good enough, because God requires perfection; this is something we cannot do on our own, but we have Jesus Christ, whose Robe of Righteousness cloaks us and makes us appear to be perfect in the sight of God.
  • The word "boldly" in this passage means to go often. We can go to the throne of grace often, because of the relationship we have with Jesus Christ. We should take full advantage of this relationship, so that we might receive mercy and grace in the time of need. 
  • We need to go often not just to reverse something bad we have done; instead, we should go often in order maintain that good relationship.
  • When God sees us, He sees the son of God. When He sees me, He doesn't see the wrong I've done; He sees His son. When He sees His son, He sees perfection.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

618 04032011Eve

  • It's not about what we do that God is after, it's about who we are in Christ. 
  • Our calling is to be vessels, so God can do the work.
  • We need to stop saying that "someone should do such and such," and start doing it ourselves. 
  • There is a reason God has brought us together. 
  • God has anointed us to be ministers first; then we have our specific calling. 
  • God cares and knows about us. 
  • We are the body of Christ. 
  • You're work as a minister begins when you wake up in the morning to the time you go to bed. 
  • You make a testimony whether it's positive or negative. 
  • We have to say, God whatever you want of me, I'll do. 
  • God chooses who He wants; it's nothing special we have done.
  • When we see something that needs to be done better, we need to just do it and example it to the rest of the Body of Christ. 
  • The world needs to see Jesus in somebody.
  • We have to give Christ our all.

617 04032011Morn

  • Our God never does sit still. 
  • Any time a man will take the ridicule of others for standing up and doing what Christ has called Him to do, he will be blessed by God in that calling.
  • The body of Christ merged the Jews and the Gentiles into one body. The separation is no longer needed. 
  • The Gentiles felt like the sacrifice of Christ wasn't for them, because of the separation.
  • So many times in life, we're afraid to take part in the problems other people have, when in reality they're just like us; we are no better than them. We all have problems in our lives, everyone needs help, and we, in the church, can help them. The church, the body of Christ should open our arms for them.
  • Everyone is capable of committing horrible wickedness. All it takes is to start accepting some things and slowly falling away from Christ. It's not an overnight thing, it starts by compromising one time on what you know is wrong. 
  • ALL MEN ARE SINNERS! Christians are only sinners saved by grace. 
  • God chose Paul. God always chooses someone who will be willing to carry the Gospel.
  • We need to have compassion and sympathy towards sinners, especially when we reflect back on where God brought us from. 
  • This not all God has for us. God has called us. 
  • God uses us, we just have to let Him do His work.
  • We, as the church, need to stop being exclusive and start letting others in. If we are the body, we need to be His hands and feet. We need to welcome them into the fold. 
  • We shouldn't let the cost, the ridicule, or whatever the cost is to overwhelm us, because it is worth it. The ministry of the Gospel does not come without a cost.

616 03302011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Raising Ebenezer" I Samuel 7:12

The Israelites were under Philistine rule. Through this rule false idols became part of the Israelites worship; they had started actually worshiping these false gods.

After 20 years, the Israelites started longing, "lamenting" for the presence of the Lord, God Jehovah. The Israelites were worshiping God; however, they still had gods like Baalim and Ashtaroth.

When people are desiring something for God, that is God
working around us.

It's not enough to just confess and repent of what's going on in your life, you need to take steps back to God. Go back to Calvary.

You're not getting what you need by sitting at home. We need the fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ to full get what we need.

When you start to turn your heart to God, that's when Satan will throw everything at you.

Samuel listened to their sins, judged their sins and then sacrificed a lamb as a sign of repentance for the sins.

The Israelites were not prepared for war, they were at Mizpeh to worship.

God simply promised He would deliver the Israelite; however, He also gave them more than He promised. He restored the Israelite territories as well as the faith of the Israelites.

If you want to be next to God, it's because God is wanting you to be closer. We are not good enough to seek after God...He is calling you for a work that He needs done.

When troubled times come, someone needs to step up and declare the Army of the Lord.

Ebenezer means stone of help. "The Lord has helped us." God delivered the people of Israel.

God delivered us. God fought for us.

God stirred a desire in the heart of the people to come back to God.