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Sunday, May 29, 2011

639 05292011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Rock Solid" 1 Corinthians 15:58

  • Salvation is not about getting what you can have in this life. It's about the eternal life and the blessed hope that is to come.
  • There is a resurrection of the dead, because Christ is alive, we shall live.
  • This life is not our reward.
  • God is not oppose to giving us things, if it's in His will; however, you should not seek those things. Things will become your god.
  • You can't take anything with you when you leave here.
  • The things of this world are temporary.
  • Steadfast means to sit, unmovable, rest, establish oneself. 
  • Always abounding--ever increasing.
  • Our labor in the Lord is not in vain.
  • We have the victory over death itself, because of Christ.
  • The challenges which come into our lives are not there to hinder us, but to help us. 
  • We have victory in Christ Jesus. 
  • We need to rest on the promises. 
  • We're going to grow weary, but we need to stand on the promises. We need to remember this life isn't all it's about. 
  • Our focus does not need to be on the blessing, but on the blesser. Christ is our gift.
  • Our labor is not in vain, we need to hold on when we feel like we can't. We need to hold on when the going gets tough.
  • We don't walk by feelings, we walk by faith.
  • We should surrender to God and let God work through us.
  • Don't listen to Satan.
  • Keep holding on, there is a payday coming. 
  • Our faith is based on simply believing that what God said He will do.
  • The more we wear away the more He can work in our lives. 
  • You will come against test and trials, but never give up.

638 05292011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Followers of God" Ephesians 5:1-7

  • The world knows we are God's disciple because we have one for another.
  • Vain words are empty words; they have no meaning.
  • When we get born again, we are born into the family of Christ by His blood.
  • Getting saved is the beginning of the race, not the end. 
  • It's the person which is forgiven, not the sin.
  • We need Christ, not because of the actions, but because of the person we are.
  • We sin because we are a sinner. We were conceived in sin. 
  • People won't get along because they are very self-centered.
  • The unity of the Body of Christ doesn't just happen; we have to make the choice. 
  • If you're going to love, you have to choose to love.
  • True religion is about being followers of God. The greatest honor of true religion is that we imitate God.
  • Jesus said if any man follow after Him, let him deny himself.
  • All that God does for us is for our good.
  • Our goal should be that we become more like Christ. 

637 05252011Wed

Associate Pastor Ray Swanson "That They May Know" Joshua 4:1-24

  • God works in our lives in a way that He wants people to be able to know what a mighty God we serve.
  • The trials and troubles are used to show us that we need God.
  • If everything ran smoothly, we would forget the mighty God we serve.
  • If we'll call upon God, He'll use us for great and mighty things.
  • There's nothing God allows in our lives that isn't for our good.
  • We should tell others what God has done for us.
  • The Church needs to lift God up.
  • We serve a God who loves us and desires a relationship with people. 
  • God's the same today, yesterday and forever. He never changes.

Monday, May 23, 2011

636 05222011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "A Double Portion" 2 Kings 2:1-15

  • God chose Elisha to be trained by Elijah to continue on. 
  • Jesus had the 12 disciples He trained to take over His work.
  • God prepares the next leader for His work when it's time to transfer leadership.
  • Elisha asked Elijah for a double anointing of what Elijah had.
  • The reason someone has an anointing on their life is because they have been through the fire and the trials. They've been through great trials and tribulations. They've been purged of the impurities of their flesh. 
  • You don't know what people had to go through in order to get to that great anointing.
  • When you're asking to have a great anointing on your life, you're asking to go through the fire, a hard valley. That anointing doesn't just happen by someone placing it on you, you have to go through those struggles and trials. 
  • Elijah told Elisha it was a hard thing he was asking, not because of the fact that it was hard for God to do, but because of the fact that Elisha would have to go through the fire.
  • Elisha not only wanted to be a prophet like Elijah, he wanted to have more of an impact on lives.
  • In order for the double portion to be on Elisha, he had to yield himself twice as much as Elijah did.
  • If you measure yourself by the person who went ahead of you or you served beside and that's all you aspire to you're going to miss a lot of blessings.
  • What could God do in us if we just let our faith go and let God take full control?
  • What could He do through us?
  • Elijah performed 16 recorded miracles. Elisha did 31 recorded miracles. Elisha met the double portion in his death in 2 Kings 13:21, when they buried a dead man on top of Elisha.
  • God always keeps His word. 

635 05222011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Difference in Us" Ephesians 4:17-32

  • The difference between us, on the inside, and those on the outside is the fact we have Christ in us.
  • Jesus is the truth. The only way to get the Truth is in Him.
  • He who has the Son has life. Life is in the Son of God.
  • Conversation: lifestyle. 
  • We have to put off the old lifestyle and live the life that Christ has for us. 
  • We're going to make it because God is faithful.
  • Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, when we do unholy things, we are taking Him into those unholy acts. 
  • God put the Holy Ghost in us, so that we will learn how to walk a holy life.
  • The Holy Ghost's purpose for living inside of us is to transform us. When we do the things of this world, we grieve Him.
  • God gets angry at sin.
  • If you've been made different, you need to start living different.
  • Grace is not the license to sin, it's the power not to.
  • When you get saved, you have to change, your playground, play things and playmates. 
  • Our greatest Christian witness to a lost world is how we live our lives.

634 05182011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Apostates" Hebrews 6:1-8

  • Apostates: renunciation of a religious faith or abandonment of a previous loyalty
  • There are somethings that cannot be substituted, such things are foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, doctrine of baptism, laying of hands, resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment.
  • We need to mature in Christ. 
  • Sanctification becoming what we already in position. We are already children of God, we have to get off of the milk of the Word and get onto the meat, meaning, we have to start applying the Word to our lives.
  • If you reject the foundations of Christianity you have to find another way and there is NO other way.
  • We have an obligation to share the gospel.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

633 05152011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Works of the Devil" 1 John 3:1-9

  • Sin breaks God's law.
  • Justification happens instantaneous, sanctification is a process.
  • The works of the Devil is what causes sin in us.
  • Jesus was without sin but he bore our sins for us.
  • Jesus was mistreated for our sins, he was treated as though our sins were our sins.
  • Sinning didn't make us sinners, it's in us by birth. The nature of sin is in us.
  • When we get born again, we now have the ability to destroy the Works of the Devil.
  • We're able to do righteously because Christ, who lives in us, is righteous.
  • When we get born again we become the son of God.
  • When you get saved, you get changed. When you get changed, it's from the inside out. Our wants are not the same. If the Holy Ghost of God is in you, everything that is you based will dissipate. This change does not happen overnight. It is progressive.
  • When we get saved we change our perspective and allow God to have full control.
  • If God is in you, it will show.
  • The Holy Spirit is constantly working on us. If you are truly a believer, you will see the change in your life.
  • God doesn't care about your church attendance, whether you tithe, say another prayer, or pick up another Bible; however, He does care about your heart and those things that are fruit of the change.
  • If that's what you love and that's what you do, then that is who you are.
  • Christ was manifested in you to destroy the works of the Devil in you.
  • There is no difference between the murder and the preacher, if that's all they have, at judgement day.

632 05152011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Love One Another" Ephesians 4:1-16

  • The Jews were being told they needed to welcome in the Gentiles.
  • The Jews were having an issue with accepting the Gentiles because they were living in a time where they were being isolated.
  • Jesus called us to be salt and light in this world, while we're suppose to be different from the world, but we are suppose to be an example for this world and love them.
  • The church should be a place where someone is from the outside and know that you care about them.
  • The letter Paul was writing was to the church.
  • God called us to be ambassadors and ministers of God. We can't be a minister of God until we, ourselves, are fully living a life for Christ.
  • Paul was talking to the believers, not to those outside of the church.
  • We may not agree on everything; however, that doesn't mean we shouldn't love each other.
  • The greatest witness we have is our walk.
  • The individuals in a church must yield themselves to the Love of Christ.
  • We need to be a melting pot for those who are coming into the church.
  • We are not under the law, we are under grace.
  • It doesn't matter what other people do, we need to keep our eyes focused on God.
  • We received the love of Christ, in turn we should love others freely.
  • It's easy to love others because we are under One Body, One Christ and One Faith.
  • Before we can love those on the outside, we need to first love and accept those on the inside.

Monday, May 9, 2011

630 05092011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Work of God" John 6:28-29

  • We need to seek after spiritual thing, not carnal things.
  • God requires 100% of us; He gives us 100% of Him.
  • The work of God is that we believe on Him. This is the toughest work for a human.
  • We cannot work the works of God. All we can do is believe in Him.
  • God can do anything through us, if we'll just believe.
  • Once we surrender, God will do everything in us and through us that He wants to do.
  • The same grace that saved you, will bring you through when fighting temptations.
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13 ...God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
  • Faith without works is dead; our faith is shown by our works.
  • Anybody can do the deeds, but only those who have been drawn by the Spirit of God can believe.
  • We accomplish very little by self-motivated deeds; however, when we have faith and let God work in us, we can do great things.
  • The toughest thing, we as believers face, is denying ourselves.

629 05082011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Teachers of Good Things" Titus 2:3-5

  • We should honor the position of the parent, whether they are good or bad parents.
  • The older women are to teach the younger women.
  • Women should become a woman of holiness. Holiness = after God
  • Not given to much wine--not giving into the lust of the flesh.
  • The honor is not earned, it's owed.
  • Herein is the principle revealed that the younger are to be taught by the elder. It is stressed that they must teach through example.
  • They will be teachers – but will it be of good or evil things, Godliness or ungodliness?
  • Examples of ungodliness are: false accusers (slander: Satan) and given to much wine (enslaved to her lust and passions)
  • Examples of Godliness: sober (sound mind), Love their husbands (affectionate as a wife), love their children (maternal or fond of their children; love being a mom), discreet (self-controlled), chaste (pure), keepers at home (domestically inclined, good housekeeper; love being a wife), good, obedient to their own husband (subordinate to your man).
  • The greatest calling you will ever have is to be a wife and a mom.
  • The toughest job you will ever have is to be a wife and a mom.
  • Anyone can earn a living but it takes someone special to nurture a life and build a home.
  • Who will teach our daughters????
  • What will you teach our daughters???
  • How will you teach our daughters???
  • What will the next generation of wives and moms look like? It’s up to you… Mom. They will learn from you. Teach them good things.
  • Surrender to Christ as Savior and Lord and start your ministry Today.
  • Holy women will beget Holy Women.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

628 05012011Eve

Jesus had just fed the 5,000. He was trying to get away from the crowd.
The crowd was looking for a sign.
Even if we're giving all the blessings we will still one day die.
Jesus was referring to himself as the passover lamb.
Jesus was the manna from heaven and the lamb sacrifice that God prepared.
Jesus was more than a religious leader, he was the eternal replacement for the passover lamb, which every Jew would partake of once a year.
Whoever ate of Jesus' bread and drank his blood would live forever spiritually.
The life is not in the blessings.
We should look at the blesser and not the blessing.
The relationship with Jesus Christ is not about the blessings.
The greatest need we have has nothing to do with our physical needs; however, a spiritual need, which is acquired by a relationship with Jesus Christ.
You can do everything that is upright and considered good; however, if you do not have a relationship with Christ, you're lost.
You cannot know Christ intellectually; you must accept Him by faith.
We can never understand God.
There has to be a change in your heart; you can't just have head knowledge.
Peter knew he couldn't walk on water; however, Jesus called Peter and as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, he was fine.
Christ is your life!
The goal of the Gospel is to prove your heart after God.
Jesus is all that you need!!
Peter admitted later on in this passage that Christ was the son of the living God and He had the words of life.
We should examine ourselves to figure out why you're following, if you're heart is right with God.
Our hearts are wicked, that's why we should examine our hearts.

627 05012011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "One" Ephesians 4:1-16

Paul has been talking about how the church should not be segregated.
Vocation is a calling.
Paul was telling the church it would behoove the church to live up to the calling. Basically we should live in Godliness instead of ungodliness.
Paul was dealing with prejudices of the Jews against the Gentiles.
God has chosen the church to demonstrate His love and the unity. Who we are is a reflection of the father.
God chose us.
We are God's ambassadors in this world. A Christian lifestyle is not automatic when we get saved.
We have to purpose ourselves to live a life following after Christ. We make the choice of who we follow.
Christ has called us to be separate from the world.
God chose us as not only an individual but also as a collective body.
If God says it, that's all that matters.
The Church Body changes when the each one of us determines that we are going to change. The Church Body will reflect the love of Christ when we individually decide to allow the love of Christ to work through us.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

626 04272011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Christian Suffering" 1 Peter 4:12-16

  • Peter was writing to the church during the time of Nero.
  • His words weren't words of doom, they were words of encouragement.
  • Peter clearly defined what it means to be a Christian.
  • The fiery trial is singular. The fiery trial is just one trial.
  • The fiery trial is just standing up for the cause of Christ and those around you do not like it.
  • We should expect the fiery trial. If they persecuted and hate Christ they will much more hate and persecute you.
  • We should expect to come under fire for standing for the cause of Christ.
  • If we partake in the suffering of Christ, then when His glory is revealed we will be very glad.
  • Not only should we expect to suffer for the cause of Christ, we should also be happy for it.
  • Happy can also mean blessed.
  • Peter is warning us and also encouraging us. He is letting us know that we know Christ through sharing in his suffering.
  • The Spirit of God rests on us when we suffer for His name sake.
  • If you suffer because of your own wickedness, you suffer justly. Christian suffering, on the other hand, it's because we glorify Jesus Christ. It is brought about by your stance on Jesus Christ.
  • We shouldn't be ashamed to stand for the cause of Christ.
  • Even we mess up, we need to go back to the place of forgiveness. He will welcome us back with open arms. We should not dwell in our shame.
  • Expect the suffering and rejoice when it comes.
  • Pray that you will be found worthy to join with Christ in His suffering, so that you may rejoice when He glorified and have His Spirit dwelling on you.
  • The enemy cannot do anything that doesn't past through God's hand.