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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Longsuffering" II Peter 3:9

2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count
slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should
perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1. The Lord is not slack (to delay or tarry). He will fulfill His promise at
the time appointed. What men declare to be slackness on the part of
God is not tardiness at all but longsuffering (patience or forbearing).
Men have determined that God should deliver in one time and God
has another. Do you sometimes accuse God of slackness?

2. God’s longsuffering or patience is toward us, His creation.

A. He is patient: waiting on the unrepentant to surrender to the
wooing of the Spirit.
B. He is patient: waiting on the obedience to witness as per the
Great Commission.
C. He is patient: waiting on the maturity of believers to serve
others in the integrity of the Love of Christ.

3. God is not delaying, He is also not being intimidated into accelerating
His plan. There is a time appointed and He will keep that appointment. His
patience is not procrastination nor is He impulsive. God is right on schedule.
See the examples of His promisekeeping.
Noah and the Flood.
The Birth of Issac
The deliverance of Israel
The Birth of Jesus
The Crucifixion
The ressurection
Still to come …
The Rapture and the Judgment

4. God’s Will: that not any should perish. He knows who will last
receive Him and He patiently waits because of His great love. He
has every right and all power to destroy all men with a blast of His
nostrils. But it is not our destruction He seeks – it is repentance.

Jesus is coming and He is coming soon.

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