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Sunday, October 16, 2011

689 10162011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Last Days" 2 Timothy 3:1-7

  • Perilous: Difficult, dangerous, fierce, reducing the strength
  • lovers of their own selves, 
  • covetous: love of money (stuff) 
  • boasters: braggers
  • proud: appearing to be above others
  • blasphemers: an injury/insult offered to God. This is not necessarily the vocal act of using the Lord's name in vain, but it is also the action of denying the revealing truth of God's word
  • disobedient to parents: unpersuadable to parents, battle of wills against the parent and child.
  • unthankful: ungrateful
  • unholy: wicked
  • Without natural affection: hard-hearted towards kindred. 
  • trucebreakers: one who violates a covenant or engagement
  • false accusers: a slanderer
  • incontinent: without self-control. Not able to say no. 
  • fierce: savage
  • despisers of those that are good: hostile to virtue
  • Traitors: a betrayer
  • heady: rash, hasty, to rush forward (headlong)
  • highminded: to envelop with smoke
  • lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God: will follow their own wills, instead of God's will. 

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